Lord Rick Radyooooo!

OK; The other night we had yet another thrilling chapter in Lord Rick’s podcast saga. You pretty much know the format. Rick talks about discovering places that people have been around before but since Lord Rick is on the case, it’s somehow newsworthy. The entire podcast was done in front of the home he’s currently squatting at. Someone actually called the cops to investigate why this stoned fellow was pacing up and down the street talking to himself. (I’m NOT kidding!)

Things I learned;

1) Lord Rick is working on moving back to California.
2) HE thinks just about everyplace in the US is haunted.
3) Some TV producer has (yet again) pitched some show and thinks Lord Rick is going to be bigger than TAPS. In case you don’t know it, Rick despises TAPS more than the Odd Emperor because it was his idea. (TAPS not the Odd Empire.) I like it! Kind of a Jackass meets Ghost Chasers, I’d watch!
4) Rick was the first person to set foot in Savanna Georgia (which makes me wonder how they got bus service there.)
5) Lord Rick worries about getting corn-holed by aliens.
6) He also worries about getting corn-holed by Bigfoot. and becoming Bigfoot’s bitch. (do you really think I’m kidding?)
7) After exposing his haters last time he got tons of fan-mail .
8) He’s getting pissed at the people he’s living with, how dare they tell him to get the f#%k off of their computer!
9) No one showed at the last meetup.
10) Those two guys who stuck an ape head in a freezer and fooled paranormal enthusiasts everywhere VIOLATED Lord Rick. (I guess Bigfoot’s not the only thing corn-holing him.)
11) No one was listening to his podcast,that’s OK because it’s going to be on the Internet for ONE MILLION YEARS. Thousands will someday not listen to it.
12) Lord Rick is a natural psychic and if you cross him he will send his soul into your bedroom (what the hell for? Is he, a psychic voyeur?)
13) Some girl in a minivan was going to make hot mookie with Lord Rick after the show. Bye now!

Now where did I put my q-tips?


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8 Responses to Lord Rick Radyooooo!

  1. radtastic says:

    no one ever shows up to the meet ups! lolllll
    and hes also looking for people to help with the tv show hes “producing”….he prefers two females….by the way

  2. Lord Rick probably doesn’t understand that “producing” in showbiz means about the same as “bankrolling.” He’s no more than “talent” in whatever this production might be.

    I actually hope he succeeds! I think a Ghost Chaser’s style show starring Lord Rick would be a hoot and a half!

  3. radtastic says:

    oh i agree. i wish his life would be discovered and broadcasted on national tv, it would be hilarious, only no one would believe…its a real person…actually doing and saying the things he does.

  4. JayMan says:

    How dare you poke fun at the lord! Do you have a death wish?!? Perhaps his past retaliations were not enough to make you aware of his awesome power! Maybe you need him to cast a spell of super-butthurt on you and your harem! How can you sleep at night when you try to distract him from his stardom?!?!

    Just kidding. I couldn’t help myself.

  5. My harem!

    I’d like to see him try! Obviously he’s never met the women of the Odd Empire.

  6. Sky Bill says:

    Boy, this Lord Rick is quite the gay-douche-bag isn’t he?rolleyes
    I think the true problem here is that Rick has already been cornholed by absolutely everything paranormal under the sun…
    I mean, like one day all they all stood in line, (bigfoot, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, ET, and the Blair Witch..) taking turns meading out butthurt to him, and he, like anyone, just simply lost his mind.
    And now he lives a delusional pathetic life, drooling and farting on the internet.

    Though in sooth OE, I suspect that this lad is psychologically challenged.

    Sad case.
    But very entertaining.

    (Sky) Bill Mitchelson

  7. rascally rabbit says:

    Lord rick is a sad lonely man

  8. he’s at least that! I don’t know what drives him somehow? The effervescent aroma of MayJane or just hatred?

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