I’m not really in the habit of copy-pasting stuff like this, I think this deservs and exception. I’ve read and re-read ChaoticPsychotic account of growing up in Scientology’s Sea Org and each time I think to myself “more people need to see this.”

She’s apparently not an exception “ChaoticPsychotic” is a second generation Scientologist, her account is typical of many people who finally leave the group.  One wonders how people could be compelled to live “voluntarily” in para-military settings which remove most of the liberties that most take for granted. Scientology has a policy which dictated “the greatest good for the greatest dynamic.” It’s kind of like “all for one and one for all,” except they forgot the “all for one” part!

IN the next few days and weeks I will go ahead and post some portion of her testament. It’s a stark tale of manipulation, abuse, betrayal and eventual triumph. If anyone out there does not believe there are real monsters out there, believe! They are out there and they walk among us!


ChaoticPsychotic's Avatar

I was recruited into the Sea Org when I was 13. I was fed a large handful of lies in order to get me to join. This became evident to me upon my arrival at PAC base in 1992. My immediate reaction was to run for the hills. Problem was, my recruiters had driven me down to LA from the Bay Area and I had no where to go. I also was mortally afraid of the damn Freeloader Debt. I was certain that I would be slapped with some hugs financial burden if I just put my foot down and said “No, this aint happenin”. I was a very naive young girl.

Part of the reason I had even signed on with the Sea Org was because I was all too acutely aware of my parents financial strain. As I mentioned in another post, I had been out of school for a year because they could no longer afford tuition for me to go to Delphi. So I was pretty darn certain they would never be able to afford to put me back in school and if I left the house there would be one less mouth to feed.

So there I was, doing my paperwork, getting my A-J check and routing into the EPF. I was miserable. I cried every time I was left alone. I remember calling my parents when I got there and having to try to convince them that I was excited and happy to be there.

I got all of my prelim route in stuff done. My recruiters then took me down to the EPF office. I had my suitcases and a box or two of stuff along with my “ghetto blaster” with my fave Faith No More tape in the player. My recruiters helped me lug all of my worldly possessions into the office. They then turned me over to the Bosun and it was time for me to get my tour of PAC. I asked “What do we do with all my stuff?” I was told to just leave it in the office, it would be safe because after all, this was the most ethical place on the planet. So I went for my tour. Came back to the office a couple of hours later to get into uniform and start my EPF officially.

HOLY SHIT!!!!! Where’s my stuff?!?!?! Well, my ghetto blaster was gone, one suitcase and one box were gone as well. In the box had been my favorite stuffed animal. I was mostly upset bout losing my Faith No More tape though. So there I was in a strange place, I knew no one and half of my stuff had just been stolen. Did anyone care? Nope. It’s just MEST. But to me, because my family was SO broke, it meant losing a bunch of crap that probably was not worth much to anyone except me. I never did get my stuff back.

I will pause for now and write more about my EPF adventures later. I don’t want to make this too long to read. If you find this to be boring, please tell me to stop! I don’t want to make an ass of myself!


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