“Stalking” Lord Rick.

This is a duplicate post from http://angelofthynight.blogspot.com/ where the troops are gathering for the upcoming Rickpocalypse. Rick’s chosen to go to war again, he’s sent me some private email suggesting that he really doesn’t want to this time, I haven’t really had the time to sort through the whole damn thing yet (it’s freaking that long and confusing.)

I wanted to clarify one small point however; Rick has been saying publicly that I’m stalking him and all that. He specifically mentions a Craigslist posting that I supposedly harassed him on. It is true that I posted a couple of messages to him. It was on one of his pathos laden “I’m a poor poor ghost buster who’s down on his luck! I’m looking for a chick who can support me and be my fuckbuddy. ” single ads.

I don’t have the original post, Rick; perhaps you can supply it?

Anyway, I did a quick shout to Rick and of course he took it all wrong. This is what I said.

Yo! RICK!!!

How’s it hangen bro? Sorry things aren’t going so well for you in CA. You know! Stuff will pick up. Stay positive and don’t take any wooden shekels.


He responded (if I remember correctly) by mentioning me prominently on one of his podcasts, calling me a stalker and other rot.

I responded thusly;

Sheeze Rick, stalking?

An alert listener gave me your Craigslist posting, that’s all. You should simmer down a little. Anyway, stalking is when a person goes by another\’s house and does things to their… hoses for example. Or goes by their place of business for no reason.

Hate site? The Vanguard News Network is a hate site Rick.

Anyway Rick, no hard feelings; OK? I’m not holding any of that stuff against you, or the other things. However if you keep bringing me up and referring to me in those terms, I can answer if I so desire right? That’s free speech too. I was pretty much ignoring you up until the last few weeks.

So; good luck Rick. I truly hope you find happiness. Drop me a line if you so desire.


That was it! Except he had to bring me up again, this time he claims I was getting queer for him
( ladies out there, is he attractive in some way?….ewwww!)

That was the story, it’s the only reason I’m here.

Otherwise Rick, I would have just watched, but ignored all of this. You wanted me here for some reason.

You pulled this in Rick, I hope you enjoy it!

Drop me a line-anytime, you know the address!


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