Lord Rick Rides Alot!

The Illustrious Lord Rick, a buffalo NY, to Florida to Las Vegas transplant has some serious butthurt these days. The Internet is serious business and no one knows that more than Lord Rick!

OK, so he made a couple of bus forays to into unknown places in Georgia (like Savanna) . Slept on park benches after his bus ride, wandered around old graveyards. Bummed smokes off of people….. We call this vagrancy here in the Odd Empire but Lord Rick calls it an expedition. I don’t know what he found! I don’t want to know to tell you the truth. (He probably got crabs.)

But then! Lord Rick moved away from sunny Florida to Sin City Nevada, he felt Daytona Beach was too provincial for him I guess. (Daytona is not well thought of anywhere in the Odd Empire either.)

So he tried California but found too many panhandlers over there, too much competition? He didn’t do much, just some podcasts where he can be heard selling drugs. Not much else. But never let it be said that we forget our hero the Mullet Messiah! He showed up at his in-laws in Vegas and he’s back and raring to start yet another blog war, or pod cast war….. some kind of war!

Yippee Lord Rick!

Last night he had an opportunity to cry about his “hate groups” (like this web page.) Particularly upsetting to Lord Rick a page that someone else set up

He go so upset that he decided to make some shit up .

Rick decided that

1) Somebody called his podcast last week and threatened his kids. (Although I have yet to find the podcast, Rick…help please?)

2) He offers some muddy audio as “proof.” Like all those photos of smoke that are proof of ghosts.

3) I, the Odd Emperor is principally responsible for anyone who has posted on that hate page, – about six or seven people and now his big plan is to bully the Odd Emperor in to making them shut the hell up! That’s exactly the same kind of logic L Ron Hubbard uses, do you suppose?

(Naaa, Lord Rick is no Scientologist,  most  nut balls add two + two and get 84. It comes with the territory! )


There was a podcast last week?

In Rick’s normal style he spins a paranoid sounding tale about how EVERYONE is after him, even though he’s such a great and wonderful paranormal investigator, and lover and father and superhero and ghost-buster and demon killer and god….. ..blaa…blaa…blaa…!

Now he’s going to embarrass people and all that.

Get the popcorn! Lord Rick is on the warpath (again.) (yawn!)

I suppose that I should get really vengeful and post some smack on his butthurt blog , I haven’t as of yet, not very much. I have been working on a compendium of Lord Rick content on the Internet. From the looks of it, that’s going to take me a while !

Work-work-work; that’s all I ever do sometimes!

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6 Responses to Lord Rick Rides Alot!

  1. Phantom says:

    Can we link to this page on Angelofthynight.com? This is hilarious and so true!

  2. Lord Lulz says:

    Lo, I (the undersigned), and apostle of Lord Rick, am most displeased by this hate, and Lo, I pray that my Lord shall smite thee with thy local sheriff! For your violation of the Tenth Commandment, (Thou shalt not disagree with Me!), I pray that the Lord shall pretend to be tough and intimidate you with his mullet! For it is told that mullet is great!

    Hail Lord Rick!

    Lord Lulz

  3. Greetings Lord Lulz and Phantom;

    It is said that Lord Rick once again rides his high horse to rain terror and butthurt upon those who would jeer at this holy mullet! For the first commandment of the Lord who is called Rick is

    1) I am the Lord Callled Rick, there shall be no other lulz before me. I brought you from the darkness to this place and I say to you that the Intenet is serious business and only exists for my pleasure!

    It is time! He calls his minions together (one is really called “minion.”) A holy blogwar begins and the holy Lulz and Butturt commence!

    Link to your heart’s content for the day of Rickpocalypse is at hand!

  4. radtastic says:

    lord shits blogs are my all time favorite soap opera

    i usually cannot frickin wait until he posts a new one

    i often share them with my friends who arent lucky enough to get approved as his new pals =}

    sometimes i give him comments but he erases them, i dont think he understands the sarcasm or jokes, so he just deletes them so he doesnt have to think too hard.

  5. radtastic says:

    and i forgot my second favorite thing

    his pages and pages of posts of new topics in his myspace groups…and hes the only one posting lol

  6. That fellow spends more time mucking around on MySperm and Yahoo than ten other people. I don’t know why, he’s only got like two or three people paying attention to him and it’s all negative attention.

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