Monthly Archives: August 2008

Lord Rick Radyooooo!

OK; The other night we had yet another thrilling chapter in Lord Rick’s podcast saga. You pretty much know the format. Rick talks about discovering places that people have been around before but since Lord Rick is on the case, … Continue reading

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BIG-FOOT a hoax? Nao! A Bigfoot hunting group that last week set the Internet abuzz with claims it had found the body of one of the legendary creatures now says it was the victim of a hoax. Members of Searching For Bigfoot Inc. … Continue reading

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I’m not really in the habit of copy-pasting stuff like this, I think this deservs and exception. I’ve read and re-read ChaoticPsychotic account of growing up in Scientology’s Sea Org and each time I think to myself “more people need … Continue reading

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Lord Rick blathers again….

The illustrious Lord Rick once again graced me with yet another long an tedious tome, than like he usually does  he cowardly blocked his AOL address so I can’t respond. I prefer odd to be quite civil as a matter … Continue reading

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Controversial U.S. church group stopped at border

Paul Gackle, Winnipeg Free Press Published: Thursday, August 07, 2008 WINNIPEG — Residents rallied Thursday to protect the family of a young man murdered on a Greyhound bus last week from a posse of radical religious protesters planning to portray Tim … Continue reading

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“Stalking” Lord Rick.

This is a duplicate post from where the troops are gathering for the upcoming Rickpocalypse. Rick’s chosen to go to war again, he’s sent me some private email suggesting that he really doesn’t want to this time, I haven’t … Continue reading

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Lord Rick Rides Alot!

The Illustrious Lord Rick, a buffalo NY, to Florida to Las Vegas transplant has some serious butthurt these days. The Internet is serious business and no one knows that more than Lord Rick! OK, so he made a couple of … Continue reading


The Trolls Among Us

One afternoon in the spring of 2006, for reasons unknown to those who knew him, Mitchell Henderson, a seventh grader from Rochester, Minn., took a .22-caliber rifle down from a shelf in his parents’ bedroom closet and shot himself in … Continue reading

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