Keeping Scientology Working.

This was Copied from by poster “exOT8Michael.” I have no way of knowing if this is accurate other than my own experiences with Scientology members and many-many hours of reading their material. Based on what I’ve seen, this is spot-on and should be carefully read read by anyone who has even a smidgen of sympathy for Scientology and their methods. (hear that Reagan?)


I need to repost this as a new thread as it originally got lost in some confusion. There is a message in here which this OG wants to share with Anonymous. This is about the dangers of the content of the NON religion of Scientology. It has nothing to do with beliefs, as Scientology has no “faith” or beliefs, just “Tech”, orders issued by Hubbard and management and “Public Relations” in its money-focused commercial activities.


[If this is tl/dr go get get delicious cake, put longcat on your lap, sit down and read it anyhow. Purrrrrrrrrrr]
Yes you DO need to read this.

I have been seeing a lot of posts on the sites around Anonymous’ valiant efforts about Scientology vs Church of Scientology.

I would like to post this as my take on it from over 33 years of experience with and in Scientology.
My own story is already posted at Michael Pattinson’s Experiences in Scientology, MPES – View from the end of Scientology’s the bridge to total freedom so that is not what this is about.

Scientology is the brainchild of L.Ron Hubbard, former science fiction writer. He formed Scientology back in 1954. He died (living in hiding as “Jack Mitchell” in Creston, California in 1986 under suspicious circumstances and in possession of suitcases full of money (in the millions of dollars). All that is adequately covered in the Google archives under “alt.religion.scientology” newsgroup and its search engine. The San Luis Obispo Coroners report on Hubbard is particularly interesting…

Hubbard’s intention was to “clear the planet”. This is a permanent motto of Scientology and is firmly embedded in the Church (so-called) of Scientology. Clearing the planet means making a 100% Scientology world so that mankind’s mental aberrations stemming from pain and unconsciousness and existing as dead space aliens infesting human bodies (as defined by Hubbard as the “reactive mind”, or the reactive “bank”) could be cleared away.

In the context of the Cold War Hubbard used the highly dangerous world nuclear risk as a prod to use fear about the future to get loyalty, money and staff to do the things he wanted done. He wrote a series of letters defining his strictest, highly enforceable policies and in particular one called “Keeping Scientology Working Series #1” or “KSW Number 1” (Tom Cruise was referring to this letter in his now infamous cult-fanatic video rave which sparked off the Anonymous actions against Scientology).

KSW #1 is something like the spinal column of the body of Scientology, except that it is not flexible. It runs through every course, every technical correction, every auditing (counseling) session and every action real Scientologists MUST MUST MUST take to remain within the group. It is the determining policy that is the foundation of every other Scientology policy and technical action.

So, as you can understand this policy would have determined the kind of world that Scientology had every intention of creating. What you probably don’t yet understand is what Earth would be like if Scientology ruled the world. Let me give you an idea of that kind of lifestyle that we were all headed for if Scientology had had its way and taken it all over like an unstoppable virus.

There are 10 main points written about in KSW #1. They are all about Hubbard technology and how flawless it is and how to not let it EVER get diluted, changed, altered in any way, etc under penalty of being ex-communicated (declared a Suppressive Person) and losing one’s entire future for eternity (yes, no kidding). The whole message is that if a Scientologist fails to apply the 10 points of KSW #1 then they will fail Mankind and everyone on the planet will surely die. This is no exaggeration. That is what Scientologists very firmly believe. it is Hubbard gospel and they KNOW he was right about everything.

Ok, so with that in mind all Scientologists are duty bound to apply the 10 points of KSW #1 with their lives and to the death if necessary. They are trained, brainwashed and indoctrinated to be total fanatics about this matter. Tom Cruise showed himself to have fallen into exactly the mindset I am talking about, and I am grateful to him for showing it so graphically and convincingly.

Now, my main difficulty here in writing this for people who have never studied Scientology is to convey the degree of blind fanaticism and unthinking forceful motivation that Hubbard and the Church of Scientology have implanted into Scientologists. It is very deep and firmly embedded to the point of being equivalent to the nazi type of world domination intentions.

In summary, the 10 points have to do with making sure Hubbard’s unique technology is available, never altered, applied exactly as written, made mandatory upon everyone, smashed into the culture by eliminating EVERY OTHER TECHNOLOGY THAT IS NOT HUBBARD’S SCIENTOLOGY TECHNOLOGY (he uses the word hammered out of existence as applied to anyone else’s technology than his own brand). The whole paranoid Scientolgy fight against psychiatry and psychology is an example of what I mean and this is severe enough, but is only the tip of the iceberg at this point in time.

The fanatic mindset of Scientology AND the “Church” of Scientology (both, not just one) MUST take control of every part of society per Hubbard’s orders. Otherwise (they believe) Mankind will destroy itself due to not having Hubbard technology applied EVERYWHERE.
The following may appear to be a huge exaggeration but it is not. Ask other long time ex-members to give it some thought and to comment. I welcome their input.

So, if Scientology ruled the world this is a bit (not all) of what you would get: (please be seated to read this)

NO other books which deal with the mind, the spirit, self-improvement, business administration, ethics, morals or therapy of any kind would be permitted to exist at all. This would include The Bible, The Koran, The Tora, any other religious text of any kind. Sea Org members, all in their spiffy fake navy uniforms would storm-troop the Mosques, Synagogues, Cathedrals etc and burn or shred every other religious text they could get their hands on. It would also include all medical books, prescription drug-related books, manuals and directions.

There would be NO TV, NO internet, NO radio or newspapers and any magazines would only be Scientology magazines. Scientologists are ALREADY forbidden to have these in many places. For them this is already their daily lifestyle.

Freedom of speech would be zero. Only approved Hubbard-compliant talk, writing or communication would be tolerated. It is already like this within the Sea Organization. Any contrary beliefs or thoughts (and you get found out on the e-meter) are subject to severe and forceful “ethics” sanctions, punishments, enslavements and expulsion into the nothingness of excommunication.

Sex would be a crime. Hubbard wrote that sex and pain are the inventions of psychiatry to smash down the spirit of humans. He said sex is a psychiatric weapon against mankind. Being in pain would be a crime as it would mean that you are being influenced by the Hubbard-Scientology arch-enemy psychiatry! You would have to see which of your family members or friends are poisoning you with psychiatric influences and then you would disconnect them from your life and from the Scientology society.

I could go on as there are plenty of further insane idiocies that would be part of your daily lifestyle if EITHER Scientology or the “Church” of Scientology are allowed to spread their “Hubbard Virus” across the world further. The Scientology mindset is a mental VIRUS. It spreads through being trusting while close to a Scientologist and believing KSW #1.

Hopefully this post and other important posts by ex members who know what they are talking about will act as a kind of vaccination.

So, when I see or hear Anonymous and others saying “Well, we are against the Church of Scientology, but Scientology is maybe OK” I feel very strongly that I want to sit down with them, have some delicious cake and explain exactly what I mean till they totally get it about what I have explained above. I suppress my “What the F*** are you thinking??” That is because I know that these wonderful people of Anonymous have never had this explained before. So, here it is. Both Scientology and the Church of Scientology are the same viral carrier.

What we need to do is clear the planet of the Hubbard virus. Anybody agree?

I am the Odd Emperor and I approve of this message!

“To hell with this society. We are building a new one………”L Ron Hubbard

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2 Responses to Keeping Scientology Working.

  1. EAJayMan says:


    You’re going to rot in….


    ….Where do Scientologists rot?

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