The real reason for Anonymus.

This was found on one of the secret Anonymus meeting sites. 

The Psychs are controlled by the evil Marcabians. (which we all know is a completely sane assumption, I mean c’mon it is so obvious)

The Psychs control the pharmaceutical companies.
The evil psych controlled pharmaceutical companies are using brainwashing procedures from a book by Beria, to control/influence the young people into doing drugs and watching porn.
The porn-crazed apathetic drugged out youth of today are getting paid to protest the one hope for mankind by the evil psych controlled pharmaceutical companies.
Have I missed anything? Am I getting this right?





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5 Responses to The real reason for Anonymus.

  1. JayMan says:

    Hey! I had Marcabians and cheese for dinner last night!

    I am so screwed.

    Check your shoutbox!

  2. Hey! No cracks about Marcab (may ever it shine!)

    You had a Rick show without me! You cads! You varlets! He’s going to think I don’t give a flying-pancake crap about him! (And he’d be right.) When is the next one?

    So; ready to join the fight? I have the contract right here, it’s only a pinprick! It won’t hurt at all!

  3. JayMan says:

    I vowed to NOT have a Rick show until he miraculously becomes able to provide shelter for the wife, kidlins, and brothel. Oops. Did I type that out loud? I also swore that I would utter no negative statements about…. …him.

    I did my show, then asked my people to please support him by immediately going into his show. He “advertised” his show 2 days in advance.

    Do you want a heads up next time?

    You didn’t miss much. Rick could hardly get a word in edgewise once Mike called in.

    *clears throat*

    I have to behave now.

  4. Mike, Mike, how can you trust that guy? He’s in it for the lulz unless I miss my guess.

  5. JayMan says:

    He SAYS he’s in it for the lulz, then he’s hombre #1 who jumps in to defend derMulletard when people laugh at him.

    I don’t know. Screw it. Mike bogarted the show, stretching it out to 252 minutes, just a couple weeks after Rick gets hit with a $500 cellphone bill allegedly because of the 319 minute show.

    Wait a second… $500/319Mins = $1.56/minute. Holy Tom Cruise on a pogo stik! What the hell kind of rate plan is that?!??! What cellphone company charges that much?!?!?! Even on pre-pay!

    Somebody is talking out of their butt.

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