The full title of this site is…

“ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL,” Connecting Teens With Anti-Religion Extremists and Racism


I suppose that any web page with as dorky sounding a title like that deserves some scrutiny. This is (presumably) an official Scientology Organization dead agenting page, what skeptic could pass this up .

“ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL,” is a pretty active page right now. It’s been heavily touted on Alt.Religion.Scientology by the high tech process of repeating the same URL hundreds of times. I suppose that’s a way to ge the attention of hypnotized people, (protip- most people reading ARS are not hypnotized so repeating shit ad-nausium is simply annoying.

But! We got a theme going here, “ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL,” itself is annoying. Not because it bashes and namefaggs Anon-folk. Not because whoever is writing it really does not understand what the Anon movement is all about. It the *way* it is written.

“ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL,” is written in what I’ve come to know as “Scientology-prose.” It’s basically the same as average public-school 8th-9th grade writing. Not completely unintelligible, but it tends to run-on more than average and concepts are expressed in very simple terms. It’s not unlike Hubbard’s writing, (not as good though and Hubbard was no Hemingway.)

Some of this stuff seems to have unacceptable levels of structure. For example, this is a longer than average paragraph I pulled from the ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL page more or less randomly (and it was on top.)

“The REGIME”, a group claiming not to care about Anonymous or the Church of Scientology, are naming members of Anonymous to express their distaste for people claiming to be “hackers.” The following stills are from THIS VIDEO.


Members of Anonymous are highly offended by this and consider it to be “Scientology FAIR GAME” tactics at work. Ironically, these same Pedo-Culture Obessed (SIC) Anonymous members who are easily offended by “bad words” overlook their own tactics, which incude (SIC) dropping names and addresses of their percieved (SIC) enemies.

Now, I’m not talking about the misspells and typos, we all get those (even you Alfred! STFU!) The subject of the second paragraph wanders around quite a bit too.

ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL also has this unfortunate tenancy to spin things almost beyond comprehension. In the preceding paragraph the author of ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL, STOP THE INTERNET HATE MACHINE mentions that Anonymous members are offended by “bad words.” This is in reference I believe to The “Reverend” Carmichael’s freaking hilarious antics in New York where he whispers into an Anon’s ear “I smell pussy, you! In particular!”

The really funny thing is, no one was offended, the Anons thought this was the funniest thing they had ever heard (if one can judge from the laughter on the video.) Either the author of ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL is unaware of the chan-culture or is simply fibbing. You can’t offend those folk with bad language, they undoubtedly know more bad language in dreams of the Sea Org (which is pretty rich in profanities so I hear.) The Anons thought it was funny because “they understand when and where this kind of language is appropriate, The “Reverend” Carmichael, head of Scientology in New York City apparently does not.

Now that’s funny!

But offensive? Naw!

ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL is nothing more than a Dead Agenting page, it’s designed to shock people into staying away from “anonymous activities ” which to Scientology is synonymous with “hate crimes.” You know, killing people, genocide, making worlds radioactive- that kind of thing. The page is only interesting for two reasons, It is frequently updated, someone is spending a considerable amount of time watching the forums and various Anon hangouts. This is a good way to see what is going on inside Scientology, how they are reacting to the Anon-folk.

The other reason is, ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL is following the Scientology line so closly that I think it actually is an official publication from the Scientology organization. Author STOP THE INTERNET HATE MACHINE claims it is not, however if the Scientology special forces are producing this page, they would simply lie about it.

or it could be as Anonymous said…
Is this one of those joke websites?
It sure looks like it… LOL

It sure does! Only if Scientology is a joke. And it is getting abundantly clear that it may very well be, more on that… later.

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2 Responses to “ANONYMOUS” is a “HATE-PORTAL,”

  1. EAJayMan says:

    Here is why I asked you if Scientology was the ONLY focus of “Anonymous…”

    I can logically see a “group” like Anonymous standing up against all that is illogical, hazardous, and deceitful (like they claim Scientology is).

    Now, as Scientology brands Anonymous as a “Hate Site devoted solely against Scientology,” I am reminded about how EncyclopediaDramatica, Odd Empire, UER, and soon Autopsy LIVE! are all hate sites and groups devoted solely against Lord Mulletard the Great.

    So my question still stands… Is Anonymous solely against Scientology, or is such a large group of level headed reasonable peaceful activists solely against Scientology, with no opinion on any other matters?

    Believe it or not, I do harbor much the same opinion that I express about Lord Rick towards other situations. As a matter of fact, it is this same “common sense” that turns me off to Scientology, Liberal Politics, and masochism.


  2. Mmm. Good question. It’s pretty obvious that ED, the Odd Empire and others are not devoted towards people like out friend the Mullet Messiah, he simply catches out attention from time to time.

    So to Anonymus is not a group specifically formed to expose Scientology, it is a front for a number of people who have simultaneously gained an opinion on Scientology that suggests some legal action be taken against this dangerous cult. It’s more like a large school of fish.

    Anonymus is not for or against anything, it is not an organisation in the conventional sense. it’s a state of being, a banner under which people can give voice to opinions that they would otherwise be too radical or too dangerous to be voiced alone.

    Scientology is famous for harassing critics, if you read the writings of L.Ron Hubbard you will find that they think attacking their foes to be a sacrament in their “religion.” Another sacrament is the idea that Scientology must be spread to everyone on the Earth. That means, if Scientology is allowed to expand they will come into your town and you will be forced to take their courses which, arguably reduce one’s critical thinking skills.

    IF you don’t? You may be assigned a “low condition.” those who cannot be “helped” are to be “disposed of, quietly and without sorrow.”

    This is another sacrament of Scientology, please look it up. It sends chills down my spine.


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