CNN : Anonymous / Chanology

Just a couple of days before the next World-Protest Scientology day (named Operation: Fair Game: STOP) Tommie Davis makes a reappearance on CNN. You may remember Davis as the “I’m angry… REAL angry” guy on John Sweeney’s Scientology piece he did for the BBC. Why was Davis angry? Because Sweeney had the utter gall to mention several times that people he interviewed called Scientology a cult. In classic “shoot the messenger” style, Davis launched into a tirade at Sweeney, then hassled him for days until he blew up on camera and shouted back at him. Then of course Davis et-al started whining “poor little us! The Bad’ol bigots are persecuting our religion AGAIN!!!)”

Now after a really horrid month (if you are into Scientology) Davis is on CNN, looking a bit tired and answering a bunch of questions that I’m sure he does not want to answer. And he’s answering them badly.
This is of course just sauce for the piece that CNN is running right now about Scientology and Anonymus.

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