As if they didn’t have enough troubles!

Glosslip Exclusive: Scientology Cruise Ship Freewinds Hides Asbestos Danger

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Breaking News: The Scientology cruise ship, the Freewinds is at the center of a scandal in the Caribbean today because of dangerous levels of blue asbestos being found on the luxury liner. From the Caribbean newspaper, The Daily Herald:

WILLEMSTAD: During refurbishing and reparatory work, which involved removing the ceiling and paneling on cruise ship Freewinds, blue asbestos was released and ended up in the ventilation system.

Freewinds’ captain did not report this when it’s own personnel were working on the ship on the Mathey warf in Otrobanda. The Curacao Drydock Company (CDM), where the ship was taken for reparatory work on the hull, heard from the surveyor that there may be asbestos on the ship. The captain acknowledged the incident and said that after the incident Freewinds had some investigation done. Keeping the incident quiet became more noticeable when it turned out that the 40-year-old ship contained blue asbestos.

The question is whether or not the blue asbestos dust, which can cause cancer, can be removed from the ship. The CDM has stopped all work on the ship. The ship was sealed and isolated and experts will investigate and measure the presence of asbestos dust in the hull and surrounding areas. Commissioners Eugene Rhuggenaath (Economic Affairs) and Humphrey Davelaar (Public Health) said on Friday.

CDM interim director Frank Esser, deputy head of the Department of Labour Affairs Christiene van der Biezen were accompanied by two inspectors and head of the health Department Tico Ras. Samples taken from the paneling last week by inspectors that were sent to the Netherlands showed that they contained significant amounts of blue asbestos. After an extraordinary meeting, the Executive Council decided to inform the public in general about the incident to avoid rumors and panic.

The CDM personnel were also informed via the media because it was impossible to gather all the workers Friday evening to personally give them the information.

The Freewinds is the floating Church of Scientology vessel used for administering the highest levels of the OT training. The Freewinds was also the staging area for the HUGE birthday party thrown by RTC President David Miscavige for actor Tom Cruise’s 40th birthday. That party was said to cost the CoS $300,000. Let’s hope some of the money donated by these celebs goes into cleaning up the hazardous levels of asbestos on the ship before someone develops a life-threatening disease.


And if you look here, you can see why they didn’t take care of this problem twenty years ago? Why you might ask?

Because Hubbard didn’t know about asbestos.

LOL Wut? That’s why they didn’t take care of this problem until now? Because their holy source didn’t know about it?
According to Lawrence Woodcraft who was actually there…

It was explained to me (by Bitty Miscaviage, the chief in charge of a refit back in 1987) that the ship was being remodeled only according to the written policies and “advices” of L. Ron Hubbard. Since Hubbard had been in the US Navy and had then founded the Sea Org and had run a fleet of ships, he knew everything about ships. If asbestos was dangerous, he would have written this somewhere. Also Hubbard knew everything about cancer. He had written that cancer was caused by the mind and specifically second dynamic aberration (problems with relationships). I was told that people only get sick if they go into “agreement” with being sick. As the ship was going to be filled with “operating thetans” doing the highest level in Scientology (OT 8) nothing was going to make them sick. I was being a “wog” (non-scientologist) worrying about a little thing like asbestos.

I mean … damn! I suppose if Hubbard thought jumping off of cliffs was a pretty good idea we would have hordes of base-diving Scilons, who’d better pray that he invented parachute tech. This is simply one of the most absurd things I’ve ever heard of. According to them, since Hubbard didn’t mention it, it’s not a problem. He didn’t understand the Internet either

….oh shi!…….

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