A triumph for Scientology! ….oh shi….!

We intercepted this communication via the Imperial email interceptor goons, (someone shoved it under the front door this morning.)

It looks legit! The message reads;

Dear Scientologests;

In a daring raid, courageous agents of the Church of Scientology descended like locust on the psych driven terrorist YouTube account of the so-called “Wise Beard Man.” After being arrested multiple time for assault and trespassing in sacred church property where parishioners were peacefully worshiping, he turned his drug addled eyes to YouTube where he found a new and vulnerable media to abuse. Unbeknown to this vile and heartless and wicked and suppressive vile and hurtful, wicked suppressive man the blissful millions in the Church of Scientology were able to intervene before it was too late. Project “clean slate” has been initiated, all entheta will be forthwith removed from the Internet so that it can once again be a safe place for our parishioners to go and get information on Scientology. This is only the first step on our road to total freedom!




My Internets spy tells a slightly different story. It seems the accounts of Tory Magoo (magoo44) and Mark Bunker (xenutv1) were both suspended from YouTube between late Wednesday and Thursday (April 15-16, 2008.). YouTube has a flagging system that’s quite vulnerable to mobbing and Scientology has been spending big money to get advertising on the parent company Google. Tory’s account was restored about a day later, Mark Bunkers (as of this writing) has not been restored and probably won’t be.

YouTube has been a safe haven for free speech and expression in vidio media, just like the web is a haven for free speech in print. One small kink in YouTube is the the TOS is written in such a way that people are only allowed one account, period. Bunker got zapped once for allegedly hosting copyrighted stuff and you only get one chance. I’m sure Scientology had nothing to do with this!

Scientology is all for free speech! No really! Unless that speech is critical to Scientology it can be as free as a bird, as free as a pretty flower! Free as a butterfly! People can talk about whatever they like.

But if it’s nasty-nasty hate speech, like say if someone posts a video claiming that Scientology has slave labor camps, or if an apostate starts spreading bad-facts about Scientology instead of doing what he is supposed to do (which boils down to “say nice things about us keep yer nasty pie-hole zipped.)

In that case, Scientology springs into action, shutting the criminal words at their source. Yay Scientology! Yay free speech!

Why did they pull Bunker’s vids you might ask? Well;, Mark Bunker had the bad humor to do a teaser on an interview. An interview with a defector!. Jason Beghe left the cult some months ago and decided to tell his side of the story–on camera, before a worldwide audience. Major scoop for Bunker, not a bad move for Beghe, big big embarrassment for Scientology, especially with all the other people coming forward and all those nasty terrorists picketing every one of their offices.

So they did what any large corporate entity would do, they took it on the chin and thought about ways to repair their image. Like do a press release saying they understood Mr. Beghe’s opinion with respect to the church and hoped he would find happiness wherever he went. That would be a reasonable approach by a reasonable company. One that was full of wonderfu — caring people who only wanted the best for their members and even their ex- members.

Nope! They are not reasonable people.

Unreasonable people are unreasonable.

They behave like a bunch of jilted teen agers.

They used mob tactics on YouTube to get Bunker’s stuff off the air. “So what—big deal” you say? The Anons used mob tactics to take down vids they didn’t like don’t they? For example the alleged bomb threats against Scientology offices. Or how about the all the times Scientology placed names and addresses of alleged Anonymous members on YouTube. What about all the bogus critic accounts that were set up by Scientology. That stuff was all taken down some of it right after it went up. Why is this different?

Well for one thing, many of the Anons ARE teen agers… just saying guys! Scientology is an organization with an average age of about 35-40 (and yes I pulled that number out of my ass but I bet it’s pretty close.) They should know better, one would think.

The real difference is the intent. When Scientology places someone’s name and address on a public web page, it is very likely that it is just to bully them into silence. Much like any saucer fiend might if they run across people saying stuff they don’t like. Scientology is full of high sounding rhetoric about freedom of thought and free speech, but they are not supporting anything of the sort. They want to direct and control opinions, the very thoughts of people, inside and outside the cult

Let me say that again, they want to direct and control your thoughts. They want to direct and control my thoughts.

Remember, it’s a high crime in Scientology to criticize the organization. So? One might ask, Mark Bunker is not IN Scientology. Why would they give a flip what he has to say? The truth always comes out in the end and if Scientology is truthful? It will be vindicated right?

Well, that may be why Scientology offices keep getting protested. This is why the Anons wear masks and hid their identity. Scientology wants to shut people up, they desire to halt the flow of information, to interrupt any idea which is counter to their own narrow world-view. They want to block the truth because the truth is too painful for them to confront. It’s also bad for busness… er worship or something like that.

It doesn’t matter if you are in or out of Scientology, if one criticize them one is automatically a criminal and by their rules they can do whatever it takes to bring a critic to justice, even if that involves telling lies. This is how Scientology works, attack the attacker, find the crimes of people who criticize you and if you can’t find any crimes, make some up. It’s the way young children fight battles. It’s the way Scientology deals with people it does not like. It’s the way many Ufologests deal with critics. First you insult them, next you namefag and harass them. Repeat until your quarry sues for peace. Stalk them, ignore them, insult them, it’s OK because you KNOW that your side is right! Actually; most fanatics deal with people that way.

An effective strategy except when your quarry understands hew this works and refuses to play. It really doesn’t work when you are using a forty year old playbook that doesn’t consider the implications of many hundreds of thousand of people who have been trained in scientific thinking since childhood. Let me repeat that.

These Anons are taking a scientific approach against Scientology, and winning.

Scientology is facing it’s greatest threat. This threat is not me, it’s not Mark Bunker or any of the OG critics. It’s not Ex Scientology members telling their experiences. It’s not the Anons, it’s not the Government,Psychologist or Big Pahrma. What they are up against is an idea.

What is that idea?

It’s very simple, so simple that almost everyone seems to have missed it.

The idea is.

“Pics or it didn’t happen. “

That’s the essence of scientific thinking.

“Pics or it didn’t happen.”

Scientology has no defense against it, they can’t prove anything.

that’s why they harass.

And they are not the only ones.

Scientology: Jason Beghe Interview Pt.1 from Mark Bunker on Vimeo.

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