Atheists not most despised anymore!

Thanks to our dear freinds at Scientology, atheists are in the number two slot for most despised religious and spiritually oriented group in the US. Islam came in third and the Mormons were number four. This is based on a Gallup poll taken between March 24th and 27th.

Wow! That’s really really unfair! You would think the Unification Church or the Watchtower Society would at least show up!

Found at The Frame Problem.

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2 Responses to Atheists not most despised anymore!

  1. Steven says:

    Why would you mention the Unification church as a punch line? It is difficult for me to understand how uninformed people are. Rev. Moon and his followers have sacrificed their lives to save America and the world from the extreme immorality it is plagued by, the American family has been virtually destroyed and yet you joke about the people working for you and trying to save it. At least you could go here and try to figure out what you are talking about instead of making blind jokes that show how little you know. Further more why would you print such a silly pool? No one should be despised by anyone particularly people they know nothing about.

  2. Hah ha! This is GREAT STUFF!

    You know? I’ve been ragging on Scientology for weeks, I mentioned the Watchtower Society along with your group. You don’t have a comment on my “equal opportunity bigotry?”

    How do you know that I don’t understand your “True Father?” You really think I’m commenting without understanding what your group really is? Do you think my comments are based on ignorance? Do you think I don’t understand whom you really worship?

    Yes, your movement is a joke, now move along please!

    By the way, I don’t think Moon has sacrificed his life, he’s still alive according to my crack group of flying Internet Space Monkeys.

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