The official Scientology line on Anonymous?

Heres a video which seems to spell out $cientology’s attitude over the Anonymous movement and makes a very well defined threat in my way of thinking.

Message; “Anonymous member are all Mark Bunker’s pawns. Mark Bunker is in fact the mastermind of Anonymous and he’s forwarding his agenda of hate against “our religion.” If this continues, we ($cientology) will proceed to find the identities of people who are peacefully protesting in front of our offices and begin ruining their lives. How will we do this? By sending false reports of bomb threats and terrorism to Federal Authorities. “

Funny, I thought Bunker was asking people not to make crank calls etc… I must have dreamed that!

In other words, this is exactly what an organized crime syndicate would do in this “condition.” Send out vague, ominous warnings “donn’d you guys mess wit us or we’ll sic the Feds on ya ass!”

Except the mafia would not be so dumb as to bring the Feds into this…. I mean, the protesters are simply using their first amendment rights. Most of the protesters are college aged, many are IN college. These are not converts of a cult, they are people who are going to become professionals in their chosen field.

If you muck with a bunch of potential lawyers, politicians, police officers, firemen, doctors, nurses, computer geeks etc. What do you think is going happen in the next twenty years or so?

Guys, GUYS! THE APATHETIC ONES DO NOT GO TO THE PROTESTS!!!!!!!! The people who made those crank-calls do not go to the protests. (I sure hope they won’t, that would be stupid and I don’t see a lot of stupid people in those masks.)

The people you see outside your buildings are the ones who are going to make something of themselves. If you try to imped them, if you try to have them arrested or placed on no-fly lists? You try to sully their good names with accusations of terrorism? They will still make something of themselves, and they will hate your guts when they do!

Don’t you realize that? Can you realize that?

That’s a prediction from my Imperial sociologist BTW, you can take it however you like. Some people respond differently when challenged, not at all like a cult member who meekly buys the same useless books over and over again.

Anonymous? You have been called out, the gauntlet has been thrown…

Naturally the video is locked to that no one could comment on it (thereby making the situation worse, now the comments are going to be spread all over hell and gone.) Nice move $cientology-yet again. If you folks didn’t put that video up? I’d advise taking it down as soon as you can. It clearly runs afoul of YouTube’s TOS policy. (Threats and that kind of thing.)

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2 Responses to The official Scientology line on Anonymous?

  1. ToryMagoo69 says:

    “To Whom It May Concern

    I read your blog and although I do not agree with everything you write, …………………………………………………………………. FLUNK ASSHOLE!

  2. You have got to be kidding! Is Scientology going to apologize to anyone it’s harassed over the years? Are YOU ToryMagoo69 going to apologize for the handle you stole? How about the utter drek you put on your weblog? Host your copypaste crap somewhere else, comeback if you you have something to say.

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