Fun at the Church of Scientology’s “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” Museum!

Last month, my cousin Pete came out to Los Angeles on a trip for work, and since then all he ever talks about is his visit to the Church of Scientology’s “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” museum. Seriously, he won’t shut up about the thing.

He just sent me his photo journal chronicling the event, promising that he’d cool it if I put it online. So, here it is. Enjoy?

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death

Dear Cousin Brian,

Wowzers! Me and my best pal from work Bernie Goldman just got back from an I.T. team-building retreat in Hollywood, California (or, as Bernie likes to call it “Hollyweird, California”) and we had SOOOOOO much fun. We ate at Planet Hollywood (!), stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (!!) on Hollywood Boulevard (!!!), and went to the “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” museum. I not-believed 20% of the exhibits while Bernie not-believed 25%. Bernie’s very skeptical.


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