Conflict Between Anonymous And Scientology Heats Up, Battle Lines Being Drawn

While no one should be surprised that the Church of Scientology has not taken this recent spate of criticism in stride and with measured tones, it is with utter shock and dismay we learned that high ranking officials may be planning to involve children and provoke attacks during the planned protests at Scientology centers in LOS ANGELES and CLEARWATER FLORIDA this Saturday. Assume this applies to ALL centers.

Several reports have surfaced that members within Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs, or as its is often referred to OSA, had a secret meeting on March 11th where they discussed plans to turn the previously peaceful protests by Anonymous into a violent confrontation. THIS IS SPECULATION AND HERESAY and therefore is for information purposes only to inform the public. This is NOT verified as true. I repeat, I am NOT able to verify if this is true.

According to information ascertained by someone attending the meeting, CLEARWATER and LOS ANGELES ORGS are planning to disrupt the protests by using the following methods:


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