Monthly Archives: March 2008


…right click, view image to expand. For you Mac users out there? /…..

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Mind Control Cults

Excellent video on the mechanics behind mind control cults. ….this remind you of anything?

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Member Of Anonymous In Boston Being Fair-Gamed By Scientology

I keep reading more and more stories about members of Anonymous being tracked down, harassed, entrapped and incarcerated at the hands of the Church of Scientology. In some ways, this should come as no surprise based on the vicious and … Continue reading

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Anonymous vs Scientology

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Cult Friction

After an embarrassing string of high-profile defection and leaked videos, Scientology is under attack from a faceless cabal of online activists. Has America’s most controversial religion finally met its match? Clearwater is prepared for its enemies. It’s a warm, if … Continue reading

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Conflict Between Anonymous And Scientology Heats Up, Battle Lines Being Drawn

While no one should be surprised that the Church of Scientology has not taken this recent spate of criticism in stride and with measured tones, it is with utter shock and dismay we learned that high ranking officials may be … Continue reading

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Some thoughts on the Anonymous movement.

I’m not anonymous. It’s not possible anyway, no one is a member of anonymous. Anonymous is not an organization in the conventional sense. It has no leaders, it has no goals. It is an example of Open Source Activism, not … Continue reading

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What to Get L. Ron Hubbard for His Birthday

How “Anonymous” has changed the game of exposing Scientology’s ruthless global scam by Tony Ortega March 11th, 2008 12:11 AM   L. Ron Hubbard, the pulp fiction writer who gave the world Battlefield Earth, as well as a nuisance known … Continue reading

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From Clearwater with Love?

Of all the bizarre things. Someone just sent us a DVD with some very unusual video on it. We get these from time time, people seem to think the the Odd Empire is their private sounding board. Most of the … Continue reading

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Backdrop for Kisses

This is a must see. No matter how Scientology attempts to spin the truth, no matter how they attempt to deceive, if even a fraction of this is true it’s reason enough to shut down the entire organization… And, always … Continue reading

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