Alien Abduction-Alien Hybrid Club

by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

Posted: 14:40 January 22, 2008

Alien abduction stories are common among humanoids on earth. We are universal and belong to other races of intelligent humanoid classes of beings. I have met many people who claim to be hybrids or both alien and human. I cannot deny that I belong in this category. But, I do not feel that this is the only classification that refers to me and my life on earth, my spirit, and my soul. When I think of other human beings on earth I feel included as one person who was born on earth.

When I think of aliens I think of myself also. I think that part of me came from another place. Actually another galaxy which is just one of the many places that was created for intelligent beings. I believe that people on earth refer to this other galaxy as Andromeda. I belong to the alien hybrids club. This club of intelligent beings believes that alien civilizations exist.

I am sure that this is a bona fide gathering of souls who are of like kind. I do believe that all of us who are alien abductees have spirits and souls besides having a mental and physical body. I believe that we, intelligent beings on earth, are just now finding our voice of inclusion in the race of intelligent beings that are called the high council and the allied council of intelligent beings of this universe. We are universal beings.


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One Response to Alien Abduction-Alien Hybrid Club

  1. TJ MORRIS says:

    Being a writer of the supernatural, aliens , UFOs has it’s risk and I enjoy being a Jabberwocky that knows that life is somewhat of an illusion, whether that makes me sane or insane is rather redundant. I am about Ascension first, and being a writer communicator second. I have more fun being real and out there for others to accept or for some that are not sure to “be made fun of”. As Stanton T. Friedman told me in 2006, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. So, my own worst enemy is me while I am on earth. In the meantime, while I am trying to figure our what I want to be as a comedian actress on stage, I turn my hand at writing and am aware that I am not very good at this! I am too old to be good at anything because I am really older than dirt. The only way I know how to take life is to have fun with it because I know that I do not want to be down in the dumps and depressed. Most of my friends new me in high school as the popular tall majorette. I became an Ambassador of Goodwill before I even knew what the words meant. Still not really sure! I enjoy life and as many things that have really actually happened to me, I still enjoy the Jabberwocky of it all! Where I have been others may only talk about. What I thought I wanted to be when I grew up never happened so I decided to after becoming physically disabled to be mentally disabled and to become a writer on the Internet. This has gotten me more friends to share thoughts with than I ever thought possible! Now, I am beginning to be taken as a serious thinker and that scares me!

    People are actually beginning to believe that what I confess is really my own truth! That’s a scary thought because if what I actually experienced is real, then all those beings that I have heard about having anal probes and their babies stolen out of their wombs or being abducted by alien greys who have done strange mental and physical things may be real. I profess that the aliens visiting earth are friendly and supportive and have no need to interact with us at all! They are “out there” to protect our galaxy out of selfish reasons while they protect their own! The real deal is harder to believe than fiction I admit! It doesn’t matter that I am a Comedian I hope, what I do hope is that somehow a Comic can be take seriously when it comes to the belief that “Alien Civilizations Exist!” I truly have a real story to tell! No more paid Comedian JOKES. I think I shall tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may! But, do come see me at the ACE FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL – June 6th & 7th in Ky, USA!

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