Lord Rick rides again..and again and again!..

Lord Rick, the Buffalo to Florida transplant Ghost-Buster and paranormal expert wanna-be has found his niche in the wonderful world of the Internets.

Rick tried to make web pages, they were full of viruses, he tried pod-casting, nobody listened. He tried to create a professional Hockey team, no one came. Rick has tried bugging The Sci-Fi channel and his local news channel “please make me a star!” he says. They ignore him (just like they ignore 99% of everyone else who tries.)

Last week his Lordship was interviewed on an obscure Internet Radio feed out of Chicago. The interview was more or less professional (for people who do radio as a hobby.) The hosts asked Rick some questions, Rick avoided answering them like he always does. Rick rambled on like he always does, there was a bit of snickering by people in the background and a few of Ricks fans happened to be in the chatroom. ….

Rick for his part didn’t take this as an opportunity to show his good graces or tolerance. He didn’t take the attitude of someone who realized that he doesn’t do things like anyone else (although he admits to being eccentric.) Rick wasn’t contrite or apologetic

(heaven forbid!)

Rick attacked! (even though no one was attacking him but this has never stopped Rick before!)

Rick’s has his OWN show now thank-you-very-little and he’s not going to allow some nerd in a chat room make a monkey out of him!

Oh no!

He’s going do that all by himself!

What does he talk about on his show? He talks about Rick. He talks about the 50,000 ghost photos he has on his web page. (50,000 ghost photos = almost 200 ghost photos per week, assuming he started in 2001.) He talks about Rick some more, he complains about how people are mean to him, he threatens to take care of people who are mean to him, he claims it’s OK to break the law because laws are stupid anyway. He threatens to SPANK people who dis him….. seriously!

Then he talks about Rick some more.

Mostly he talks about his favorite subject. Which is ummm…. Rick! He talks about how wonderful he is, how he invented ghost busting and how everyone else is jealous of his world famous success. He’s done two or three hours of this stuff and is threatening to do more.

But watch out He also cusses like a sailor, don’t turn your speakers up, not if you have kids around. He sounds exactly like a bad episode of South Park with the bleeps removed, seriously!

What’s funny is, Rick’s pretty good at it! I could see Rick as a talk show host although he could never allow a producer to dictate what he can say (that’s the kiss of death for a radio personality.) If he toned down the language he might just have a pretty funny show. Also if he could stop bragging about illegal activities and drug use,  stop putting folk’s home phone numbers on the air or mocking handicapped people. That kind of stuff is ….well dorky sounding.

The rest of it? It a comedy goldmine! A kind of “America 2-Night” of the paranormal set. It’s too bad that Rick can’t seem to understand the dynamics of what he’s doing. That’s quite OK, everyone ELSE understands!

Of course (hedging my bets) I’ve entertained the idea that Rick has us all fooled. Perhaps he’s a rogue genius pretending to be….. um Lord Rick– stoner and ghostbuster extraordinaire!

I’ve  invited him to come by for lunch when he was “investigating” in my backyard. I wanted to see for myself this Internets phenomena. I don’t have any super-duper psychic powers like Lord Rick, but I can size people up pretty well.

He stood me up. I wonder was it because he didn’t trust me? Perhaps he was afraid of me!

Or,….. maybe he didn’t want to let me into the secret…Hummmm! Rick is just PLAYING with us! He’s really a supra-genius with a personal fortune and a secret identity! Instead of dressing up as Batman and fighting crime, he dresses up as Lord Rick, God-man and supera-ultra-power man! Then he ghost-busts.

That’s got to be it!

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One Response to Lord Rick rides again..and again and again!..

  1. An unforgettable romp inside the mind of an uber moron!

    Let us please conserve this amazing lulz resource!

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