Americans reveal belief in UFOs, witches

(ABC news.) 

Posted Wed Dec 5, 2007 8:30am AEDT

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe in God and significant numbers also think

that UFOs, the devil and ghosts exist, a poll has shown.

The survey by Harris Online showed that 82 per cent of adult Americans believe in God and a slightly smaller percentage – 79 per cent – believe in miracles.

More than 70 per cent of the 2,455 adults surveyed between November 7 and 13 said they believed in heaven and angels, while more than 60 per cent said they believed in hell and the devil.

Almost equal numbers said they believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution (42 per cent) – the belief that populations evolve over time through natural selection – and creationism (39 per cent) – the theory that God created mankind.

Seventy per cent of Americans said they were very (21 per cent) or somewhat (49 per cent) religious, while around one-third of those polled also said they believe in UFOs, witches and astrology.


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