Spine tingling announcement from SERPO!


Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the UFO community (or incessantly whining about your lost crap on an old Active worlds account, ) you have probably heard of the great alien exchange program. Known as SERPO (or it’s more sinister moniker Chrystal Knight,)

SERPO reads exactly like a bad Science Fiction story. One that got rejected because it’s not a very good story and it’s all been done before (Close Encounters of the Third Kind comes to mind. ) It’s a tale of some military people who visit an alien world. Its not even on Second Life! Its for real!

One problem I have with this tale is, the world is not very alien, not alien enough to my way of thinking. Set on a small planet in orbit of the binary(!) star system of Zeta Reticul the story recounts an ill fated exchange program with dopey aliens who traveled billions of miles just to crash their ship on some poor sheep rancher’s spread.

(why the f^%@) is it always Zeta Reticuli? Everyone from Bob Lazar to Betty Hill claims(ed) that aliens come from Zeta Reticuli. What’s so special about it?

Anyway, back in 65, some intrepid volunteers journeyed 39.5 light years (roughly 229266389554160.79 miles) to a world where the people were nice but the radiation levels sucked. Most of this information is located on the so-called Open Minds Forum.

Some jerk started trolling .. er enlightening the forum members a few years ago with this thrilling account.

The new revelation pre announcement can be found here

The following was received from Victor Martinez this morning via e-mail. It’s time to gear up the Serpo and Disclosure machine!

On Halloween eve, Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @ 6 a.m., PDT, I will be streaming a never-before-published, highly classified document dealing w/ the UFO subject in both GENERAL terms and very SPECIFIC terms.

I’m acutely aware of and know that for many of you, the “Project SERPO”

story is just that: the story is too UNbelievable and takes belief that such an exchange program ever occurred so far that it’s just too “out
there” for many of you.


DOC P / STAN FRIEDMAN / BILL HAMILTON: So you guys wanna know how they get from Point A to Point B? Ever wonder WHY we can’t duplicate their technology? Ever wonder how FAR AHEAD they are of us? Ever wonder the different means of alien propulsion that various races use to get to Earth? YOU WILL BE RUBBING YOUR EYES IN UTTER DISBELIEF!

Whatever. SERPO is an obvious and bald faced hoax in my not-so-humble opinion. I often wonder how this kind of thing gets any serious review .You will be rubbing your eyes in utter disbelief. My god! The last time I saw copy like that was on a poster for The Deadly Broccoli of the Earth’s Core! (In Cine-Rama.)

It is certainly too out-there for me, I like my sanity just the way it is thank you very little! This is all SO predictable. The fantastic revelations will be testimony from yet another anonymous source, or it will suddenly quashed by unnamed and sinister government types. Or the very popular “I have to keep my identity a secret to protect my family from the sinister government types.”

Same crap different day. (SCDD)

The script for SERPO was written long ago, it’s appeared in folk tales for hundreds of years, (Rip-van Winkle is just a contemporary example.)
Now fun-seekers; don’t have a problem with a good yarn but come-on people! Can anyone look at this material and NOT instantly toss it into the cosmic dustbin as yet another UFO hoax? (the answer to THAT question is a definitive Yeeees!) Many people are taken in by this, not merely because they are gullible, not simply because they accept any wild story without a shred of evidence, not only because they exist in a fantasy based world where people like the writers of the SERPO nonsence pawn their minds over and over again.

They accept junk like this because they really REALLY want it to happen and no accounting of facts (or lack of fact) will make a smidgen of difference. It’s too bad that real research gets drowned out by this kind of balderdash and otherwise good people get transformed into salivating, demented sounding fools when people (like me) come along and say that it’s just a hoax.

Most of the original posts from this crapfest can be found here.

The original web minister graciously bowing, out when things got too far fetched for even him to believe.

And the noise level continues to rise!

Share and enjoy!


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2 Responses to Spine tingling announcement from SERPO!

  1. spinaltap says:

    is this a joke?

  2. I assure you Spine that this is NOT a joke. The people who write post on that board take it very seriously.

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