James Gilliland – crying to the wilderness.

I get these every now and again. Messages which flit back and fourth across the networks of the world. This one is from one of my oldest pals, James Gilliland. He seems upset and frustrated with something.

I wonder what?

Spake James on September 19th 2007.

“I find it totally amusing and beyond belief that people in the ufo community still have their heads cranked back into the past or wish to continue keeping the information far away or in the distant future. WHAT ABOUT NOW? Right now ongoing activity is happening over Mt Adams in Trout Lake, WA. Giant cylinder shaped mother ships are
appearing over the mountain, metallic ships are appearing over the ECETI ranch and people with multiple PHDs have witnessed these events. Top skunk works, aerospace engineers testified on Coast to Coast as to the UFO activity over the ECETI ranch.”

James keeps thumping this appeal, over and over again. We can be sure that real ship are flying around his ranch because someone with a PHD or an engineering degree believes it. I know lots of people with very high level degrees who believe the most insane stuff, going to college does not automatically make you more credible, getting evidence outside of some blurry vids of military jets or whatever would really help James’s case.

“We have to ask our selves what is wrong with this picture, what is wrong with ufologists? Roswell is over a done deal, death bed confessions put it to rest, my own relatives were involved with, one is over a hundred. We all know the true story, God sakes the whole world knows the true story, just a few brain dead debunkers are left and why bother. Now we have Linda Molten Howe covering an incident
happening in 1974, 33 years ago and everyone is going wow, cant wait to hear about that one? Hmmmmm go to Mt Adams, have my own personal experience, film them myself or go listen to something that happened
30 to 60 years ago? Tough decision.”

I have to go to Mount Adams to stop from being a “brain dead debunker” I would still be skeptical unless you show me some really REALLY good evidence. So far you have not shown me anything but a lot of talk, I can get all of that over at the local Christian church, and I don’t have to travel thousands of miles. The cookies are better anyway!

“Seriously has humanity become brain dead? Why not ask what about NOW, who are they why are they here? They are showing up everywhere, what do they want? Naw lets just go listen to old news that keeps it in the past and far, far away. Wake up and smell the coffee, that is part of the program and many knowingly and unknowingly keep the
disinformation going. The bottom line is major changes are afoot on every level. We are fast approaching serious earth changes and that is why many of the off world visitors are here. They are also here to assist a birth of a new age, a quantum leap in consciousness. Mean while people are picking up little pieces of metal from 60 years ago from the past and keeping everyone focused on them. It is like a bad
soap opera that never ends. ABC and FOX news are ahead of and more open minded than many ufologists having been here and covered, in a very positive manner I might add, the ongoing activity. I find less resistance from them.”

ABC and FOX? More open-minded? Ha! ABC and FOX only cover Roswell because it is occasionally newsworthy. If something is newsworthy it will sell advertising and keep them in business another day. News organizations like FOX or ABC really don’t give a flying flip about what kind of story is “newsworthy” if they felt a chicken that played tic-tac-toe was newsworthy they would break into Judge Judy with the story.

And occasionally they do just that.

“I think it is time to ask these questions and demand some serious answers. Ask them why they never investigated the ECETI ranch. Why they never looked at the evidence. Why many conferences wont even allow the evidence to be presented, what is the motive? Best question to ask the debunkers is if they have ever been to the ranch, seen the
footage, interviewed the witnesses before making character
assassinations or jealous rants. Bottom line is while everyone has their necks cranked back to the past waiting for the authorities and ufologists to inform them overhead major events are unfolding. Get yourselves a good video camera with night shot, better yet night vision goggles or just go out to a clear sky and look up. Unexplainable things are happening on a regular basis right over your
head. Forget about the past, little pieces of metal, Billy Bob
feeding the pigs in 1960 who saw a orange glow. It is happening NOW.”

Who’s they qui-no-sabe? Seems to me that if someone wants change they need to move into the system and make changes from the inside. If you had real evidence (not that junk you put on your web page) you would have news services lining up on your driveway. Ufologests would come from world over to witness the great event. You would be world famous, people would flock to your cause and buy your overpriced mineral water. You could be a rich man, have thousands of freshly-scrubbed kids at your feet, drinking your every utterance. You could usher in a new age for humanity. Be known with such people as Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Jim Jones or even Jesus.

BUT! Before all of these things happen you have to produce those pesky aliens. (Shocking I know!) You must actually have a flying saucer and not just photographs of one. You cannot simply produce some melon-brained idiot to spout how they saw galactic cruisers just like you did. The world is full of melon-brained idiots.

James; you must produce evidence that is undeniable, All us “brain dead debunkers” have seen is you spouting off. You cannot convince people that way.

And by the way, for you information, most people don’t believe galactic cruisers have been regularly visiting Earth. Not even when they even bother to think about such things. Most people simply don’t give a hoot about stuff that does not affect them. UFOs by and large only affect people who believe in them, otherwise they are not very important. Interesting perhaps but not something that a rational person wants controlling his or her life. Perhaps that should be a clue as to their real origin?

Share and enjoy!

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