There’s the Red Vote, the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote

By Dana Milbank

Tuesday, September 18, 2007; Page A02 > Columns

Federal law limits the participation of resident aliens in the political process. But it is silent on the role of extraterrestrial aliens.

This loophole has not been lost on the life forms who arrived on these shores aboard flying saucers with little more than the antennae on their backs. After years of suffering without suffrage, these beings are now seeking to play a role in the 2008 presidential campaign.

That, at any rate, is the considered opinion of the Paradigm Research Group, which held a news conference at the National Press Club yesterday to demand that presidential candidates support a “truth amnesty” to end the “government-imposed truth embargo on the facts confirming an extraterrestrial presence.”

“The truth amnesty disclosure project is reportedly recommended by the participating extraterrestrials themselves,” Alfred Webre of the Institute for Cooperation in Space announced to the humans-only gathering, next door to a speech on Iraq by Rep. Jack Murtha. “That is the specific extraterrestrial civilization which approximately 60 years ago entered into a top-secret CIA human-extraterrestrial liaison program.”



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