The Psychic Liberation Movement!

15-18 Intuition Network, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with express thanks to the Red Queen.

Bring on The Psychic Liberation Movement! I assure you these are not refugees from a fifth season episode of Babylon 5, these are real psychics addressing a real problem!

That problem is discrimination!!! Boooo Hissss!

According to their webpage, The Psychic Liberation Movement’s mission is –

-of initiating a social movement for the liberation of human, psychic potential from the triple restraints of ignorance, prejudice and fear.

See? Your ignorance is adversely effecting the special psychic sooper powers of psychics! Ignorance breeds prejudice and prejudice creates fear! Fear creates anger and anger creates a need for a new class of handicapped people! I have no idea how this works but the psychics can probably tell us!

The focus of this movement will be to shed the light of reason upon those situations where ignorance, fear and prejudice regarding human psychic functioning exist – particularly in the domains of education, science and religion.

When one reads a little closer, one finds that the page author is not really talking about psychic-sooper powers, he’s talking about common intuition. All of this seems to hinge on what we believe the term “intuition” really means. To some people it’s just the inner workings of a healthy mind. We know that the brain works on a sub-conscious level and there is evidence that the brain uses a competitive-parallel arrangements where vastly different ideas are weighed and rejected. Or they are brought fourth for new processing. Some people would tell you this is just so much moose-spit. Of course intuition is the intrusion of the spirit realms into our daily lives! Of course this vastly complicates things but lets not detour us from our path of, well whatever we are trying to prove here.

Now, the web page authors would have one believe that there is loads of empirical and reproducible evidence that psychic powers exist, just that because of prejudice it is all ignored or worse, ridiculed by the general public (odd, this is exactly the same argument UFO fanatics use for their reams of non-evidence of aliens by the way.)

They say;

Those who would maintain that a psychic liberation movement must be predicated upon either credulity, mischief or evil are missing the point.

I tend to agree with that assertion. A liberation movement based on a recursive belief that one has special psychic powers is amusing, not frightening or evil. But if it’s not credulous it’s incredulous? Can it be credulous? I think you would have to prove those special psychic powers are not the same as simple intuition–something most everyone has. Is someone having more intuition than another enough to start a liberation movement? It would be like Heidie Klum getting special privileges because she’s much hotter than me. (Well of course Heidie Klum makes money from her looks, a psychic could open up a psychic counseling business.

Somehow these people seem to think that discrimination against psychics is akin to the Civil Rights movement. I beg to differ! The American Civil Rights movement address real issues of inequality where this Psychic Liberation movement address little more than someone’s opinion that they have psychic powers and that that people discriminate against them. What if I declared that I had an invisible blue tale and that I needed special bus seats with holes in them to accommodate it. One would surmise that I had to prove I had a tale and that not having holes in bus seats somehow harmed me. By the same logic a psychic would need to prove scientifically that they are a psychic and my not believing them causes them hardship.

Of course that entire line of thinking flies in the face of true psychics who should be able to guess lotto numbers and thereby make themselves more wealthy than us mere mortals.

Say! I think that I’m the one getting the short end of the stick here! I don’t have special psychic powers and YOU DO! I want my special parking tag and a bus seat with a hole in it for my imaginary blue tale!

Gimme gimme gimme!

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2 Responses to The Psychic Liberation Movement!

  1. Idetrorce says:

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  2. You don’t have to! I’m very interested in *why* you don’t agree. Should I pressure my city to install special bus seats with holes for my invisible blue tale?

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