A new era in Ufology dawns…tonight!

– people refuse to believe it’s a hoax. LA Times.

There’s been sea-change in Ufology evidence this summer. Well; not really, the principle has been there all along but the point has been driven home so hard that only the die hard skeptic-of-reality (you woo-who’s) could possibly ignore it.

I’’posted at places like YouTube.

Not a big surprise. Over the last summer a number of very good UFO videos were released over YouTube. Purporting to be real encounters with strange looking disk-shaped aircraft (this means REAL ALIEN SPACECRAFT POISED TO USHER IN A NEW AGE OF HUMANITY) to all you believers out there.

For the rest of us, the videos are nothing more than an interesting experiment on human gullibility. Not that they are meant to, UFO photos and vides have been around for decades. Almost none of them can be taken for evidence because of problems with pedigree and confusion over stuff like when where and who took them. These questions are only important if you are a debunker. The Term debunke in this context means any person who does not think aliens have traveled billions of miles to save the trees or some other lame-o thing. If you are a true believer than of course some damn debunker has to prove that a photo is fake or else it must be light being Phtha from the second planet of Beta Linguini who will smite all of those godamn debunkers with his magical space-beam and give us free energy so we can all live happily ever after.

The fascinating thing regarding the recent Haiti vidios was of course the reaction in the UFO community. Most people surmised that the films were a hoax, not that this was any big stretch. It was pointed out early on that palm trees and other artifacts in the films were clearly computer animated


Others had a different take.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 266857
8/12/2007 5:17 AM
People this is not fake. This UFO Haitian footage is the real deal. Never in the history of UFO video footage has a clip of this magnitude shown up. Debunkers are hard pressed to prove this is a hoax. Trees looking the same bah-humbug got to do better than that to discredit this amazing UFO footage. This Haitian UFO footage will make main stream media soon enough. Its hard to disprove something that is obviously true with mere words. First contact is coming soon.

After a bit of investigation which was done by an LA times reporter, not someone in the UFO community.

The 35-year-old Barzolff is a professional animator who attended one of the most prestigious art schools in France and has a decade of experience with computer graphics and commercial animation.

It took Barzolff a total of 17 hours to make both the Haiti and Dominican Republic videos. He did it all by himself using a MacBook Pro and a suite of commercially available 3-D animation programs, including Vue 6. The videos are 100% computer-generated.

However this is suggestive of one thing. Although UFO videos might be old hat and the reaction(s) might be predictable. What’s new about this is the ease of which these videos can be created. Any Hollywood effect is only a few years from being duplicated on a modest PC. Indeed, most Hollywood effects are rendered on PCs already. It’s just a matter of time before this stuff filters into common usage. What started as a trickle may very well become a torrent of similar videos. Each one making the field more noisy, less precise. However; has his not always been the case? Photographic evidence is almost as bad as eye-witness (what I like to call eye-witless) testimony. Photos show an analog of a real event but the very nature of photography changes and distorts that analog. For example the advent of so called orb photos came about almost exactly the same time as wide-spread digital photography. Is there a connection? Almost certainly unless you are prone to coming up with an idea like translucent specks in a photo are aliens, then casting around for proof. One cannot prove or disprove anything that way, all you can do is make declarations and become frustrated when people are able to offer simpler, far more probable ideas.

It is certain that we will see more excellent UFO vids. It is certain that these will become more real looking, more convincing than even the recent Haiti v. videos.

So, what does all of this have to do with UFOs? Very little. As I have said before, it is unlikely that a real alien incursion will take place but if it did? I think it may have been Greg Bishop who pointed out that the current Ufologests won’t matter in that case anyway. Many of them are not trying to find the truth or they would be doing real research, not on what people are seeing because it can be demonstrated that UFOs are very subjective. They would b focusing on the mechanics of UFO sightings, the whys and the who’s. The what’s are far less important.

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