Monthly Archives: July 2007

Odd Empire Update! 15-15 BLT Research Team INC.

BLT Research Team INC. Submitted by the Odd Emperor BLT Research! Nope, they are not doing useful work on the best sandwich in creation. BLT is all about researching those pesky crop circles. PURPOSE: The BLT Research Team Inc.’s primary … Continue reading

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Dublin company to unveil ‘free energy’ device Wednesday, 4 July 2007 17:26 An Irish company will today reveal controversial technology that allegedly defies basic laws of physics to produce free power. Steorn, which is based in Dublin, claims to have discovered a method of creating clean, … Continue reading

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UFO Punk, Mac Tonnies’ Strange Bl World

Mac Tonnies is a Kansas-based writer of post-cyberpunk science fiction (recently published by the redoubtable Rudy Rucker). He’s also the author of the book After the Martian Apocalypse, a speculative search for life on the Red Planet, as well as … Continue reading

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Saucers in the sky

Via BBC NEWS Popular culture quickly embraced flying saucers   By Finlo Rohrer BBC News Magazine It’s 60 years since the term flying saucer was coined and the most celebrated “extraterrestrial” episode – Roswell. Alien believers are dismissed as cranks, … Continue reading

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Odd Empire update, 15-14, Total Disinformation Awareness

Total Disinformation Awareness  Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to James Gilliland. This is a video repository or more precisely, a paranoid video repository. Mostly videos saying Jews are evil and that kind of thing. Nothing really exceptional other … Continue reading

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Wow! I agree with you Alfred!

In a recent message to UFO updates, Alfred Lehmberg made the following assertion. I mean, maybe ‘everybody’ doesn’t want ‘everybody’ to have their E-mail address, which is a little like unprotected cybersex, eh? Stuff seeps in around the edges and … Continue reading