Beyond Belief – UFO Geek Threatened

In a stunning move of ultimate legal prowess, UFO Magazine ™ has sent a cease and desist letter to the UFO

Filed under: News  UFO Geek @ 5:00 pm

Today I signed for a certified letter I received from UFO Magazine. When I opened it and read its contents, I just couldn’t believe my eyes. At first I thought it was a joke. This letter, a Cease and Desist letter, was from Julie S. Maresca, attorney at law representing UFO Magazine. The letter demanded that I stop using the term UFO on my UFO hobby website. It stated that UFO Magazine was the owner of the term,UFO, as they had a federal trademark for it.

Wellso do 172 others if you search the trademark website at There are a bunch of people who have the term UFO within their trademark name, or just the term UFO by itself. And just think of the millions around the world who use the term UFO in daily conversation, in newspaper articles, in magazine articles, on websites, in letters, on message boards, etc. Do you think UFO Magazine has sent Cease and Desist letters to everyone using the term UFO? Oh my gosh!


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One Response to Beyond Belief – UFO Geek Threatened

  1. Rod Brock says:

    Hello. That’s fucking stupid. Stupid shit, from a stupid ass magazine with a dumb-ass attorney. Fuck UFO Magazine, fuckin’ bullshit rag.

    Not my usual lengthy intellectual exposition, but pretty much my opinion of this matter.


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