
15-16 Think Submitted by the Odd Emperor with express thanks to ECETI

I almost don’t give a flying flip about this stupid site, really! I almost ditched it and went on to the next one, then I saw the copyright date.

Copyright 1996 – 2006

Holy buggerbutts Batman! 1996??? This lame page has been around since 1996! That’s longer than my page! (not by much though.)

Completely OT, why is it that every time I see this page I hear, “think about *tit*” Is it just me? Anyone else have that problem?

Other than that this page is not too significant. They have lots of new-age articles gathered from god where. A big download area and some crappy PHP content. There is a forum to troll (or become enlightened if’ you’re a woo.) Not much happening, in the forums, some porn-spam and Viagra ads. The old-skool and PHP mix of this site is a bit disconcerting, the colors don’t even match.

All and all, not very impressive, boring, dull, same old – same old!

Inducted May 6, 2007

15-17 Submitted by the Odd Emperor

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