Richard Boylan’s Quick Test for Disinformation.

QUICK TEST FOR DISINFORMATION “It is the nature of disinformation to be a captious brew of both true and false statements, cleverly interwoven so that the average reader cannot tell which is which without further research. Quick Test for Disinformation and Fraud Does it paint the Star Visitors in a bad light? Does it pick a particular star race to disparage? Does it insinuate bad motives for why the Star Visitors are here? Does the writer claim to channel one or more Star Visitors bearing superior-tone, sensationalized, and/or highly-politicized messages, often in overly-florid “metaphysical” language? While not comprehensive, the above Quick Test will in my estimation filter out about 95% of the disinformation and phony writings on the Internet and in pop magazines. in the light, Richard Boylan, Ph.D. <><><><><><><><><><><>” I’d say this is more than not comprehensive, it’s not even a bit scientific.This is not a good thumbnail test of anything, other than somebody’s biases about the little space brothers. How do we know that person is telling the truth about the Star Visitors? We can tell because he’s saying nice things about them! If-ever-is -heard,-a-discouraging-word we KNOW it’s disinformation! What kind of crappy circular reasoning is that? To sum-up, if anyone makes a statement about the “Star Visitors,” like “they all have big noses” or something than that person is producing disinformation. In fact ANY statement that is puts the Star Visitors in a bad light is probably disinformation. Richard Boylan, (Ph.D) also proclaimed that the plot TV show Alien Nation is about to really happen Share and enjoy!


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