Odd Empire Update! 15-15 BLT Research Team INC.

BLT Research Team INC. Submitted by the Odd Emperor

BLT Research! Nope, they are not doing useful work on the best sandwich in creation. BLT is all about researching those pesky crop circles.

PURPOSE: The BLT Research Team Inc.’s primary focus is crop circle research – the discovery, scientific documentation and evaluation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies.

They also intend to publish their results.

This is all quite laudable, I approve of scientific research so long as it’s real science and not driven by some already accepted conclusion. Crop circles are real (duh!) but the agents creating them are not always clear. We know for a fact that people can and many times have made crop circles. It has been demonstrated, hoaxers have come forward. We don’t always know who made every circle but we can pretty much establish (or at least postulate) that all of them were made by humans.

So why all the fuss? Can we not establish that crop circles by definition are created by people using rudimentary tools, as demonstrated?

Then we can go have lunch! I know what I’m having!

“Well no,” says the die hard cerealoligest (that is what crop circle investigators dub themselves.) You cannot disprove non human entities didn’t come millions of miles to tromp pictures in wheat fields, (which conjures a ridiculous image of aliens, with spacecraft parked nearby, making circles using the plank and pole method favored by seasoned cerealoligest hoaxers ) Since aliens might have made some of the pictures we must take copious notes and samples of all circles to find the evidence.

Yah sure! You can’t PROVE that some schmuck from the local pub didn’t make them either.

Seems like a colossal waste of time to me. I’m hungry! What’s for lunch?

Inducted April 11, 2007

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