Odd Empire update, 15-14, Total Disinformation Awareness

Total Disinformation Awareness 

Submitted by the Odd Emperor with thanks to James Gilliland.

This is a video repository or more precisely, a paranoid video repository. Mostly videos saying Jews are evil and that kind of thing. Nothing really exceptional other than the way this page has been put together. Around TEN or so little java audio players pop up on the main page doing not so good things to my web browser. Crashing it most of the time. Most of you seem to use Internet Explorer which opens the site more or less OK.”Open” this case means punch in the URL and go get lunch. (I’m on a pretty fast pipe too.)

The web author might try to be a little discerning to his intended audience, (which from the material seems to be toothless-sixgrade-education types raging at The Man all day in their doublewides- make that lunch and dinner.) Most of those guys don’t have PCs that will handle this page in any case.

I suppose if oneâ’s not too discerning about the material they publish it is a bit much to expect them to be discerning about how they put it up.

Inducted April 3, 2007

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