Wow! I agree with you Alfred!

In a recent message to UFO updates, Alfred Lehmberg made the following assertion.

I mean, maybe ‘everybody’ doesn’t want ‘everybody’ to have their E-mail address, which is a little like unprotected cybersex, eh? Stuff seeps in around the edges and your V-ware better be on its toes? Moreover, persons may want to have their permission _secured_ before being thrown into that identificational canola-oil party…unasked. I’d think, and verily! Plain has been the protest transmitted in the same “permissionless network” and is subsequently
ignored seemingly out of hand! Ouch.

Maybe not everybody Alfred! You make a splendid point.

Not to mention someone’s home address, their unlisted telephone number, their wife’s phone number and employment information. Blathering that kind of stuff around is really rude! It’s unnecessary and more than suggests that someone with deep-seated issues they are afraid to talk about. It’s kind like getting jilted by your girlfriend, then putting her phone number on seedy bathroom walls “to get a good lay, call xxx-xxxx.

…or an even worse places. 😉

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4 Responses to Wow! I agree with you Alfred!

  1. Right! I’m entirely gratified that you would so readily try to confuse apples and oranges, Mr. Pettingill. Persons who abuse anonymity and get sought out for it is not the same as having your E-mail added to an open list against your wishes. So put your pants back on, we’ve still no agreement, and your whiny truculence only irritates me further.

    (gratuitous spam removed.)

  2. Well you are quite correct! Doing the stuff I described is far far worse! And I’m certainly not confusing it, I’m comparing. I’m gratified that you have (once again) completely missed the point, not that I blame you or anything.

    So! You are judge and jury, soul arbitrator for what is right and proper behavior on the Internet? Why I was unaware of the august company that I keep!

    No actually; I’m quite aware and so are many other people.

    But that’s not really the subject is it?

  3. Mr. Pettingill… we do not keep company, you are something less than fully aware, and if you insist on bumping sneering gums at your betters you can expect to be called to account for it… given something to “chew,” eh? You are quite correct; however, that you are off topic, off task, and off the subject. Read: irrelevant.
    Gratuitous spew removed.

  4. In another space time, Mr. Alfred Lehmberg sneered;

    we do not keep company, you are something less than fully aware, and if you insist on bumping sneering gums at your betters you can expect to be called to account for it.

    Ah, just so Alfred. So I’m subhuman then. Somehow you feel justified in any kind of treatment you like to a subhuman. Your high sounding “alien ways” are not for people like me are they Alfred? Not fully aware subhumans don’t rate human respect from their betters hmm?

    Thanks for clearing that up Alfred.

    But back to topic, do you think spewing someone’s personal information all over hell and gone (and I do mean that in a literal – not figurative sense) is in keeping with your very public personal philosophy? Do you think that is right Mr. Lehmberg? Do you think it is a good things to do Alfred Lehmberg? To encourage stalking? Bullying? Harassment?

    How many people have you done this to Alfred? How many people will you do this to in the future?

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