Monthly Archives: July 2007

Beyond Belief – UFO Geek Threatened

In a stunning move of ultimate legal prowess, UFO Magazine ™ has sent a cease and desist letter to the UFO Filed under: News  UFO Geek @ 5:00 pm Today I signed for a certified letter I received from … Continue reading

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  15-17 Submitted by the Odd Emperor In case you don’t remember (or don’t Sitchin. is wrong. What can I say about Sitchin. Is Wrong? Well he IS freaking wrong and this page is freaking cool! In case you … Continue reading



15-16 Think Submitted by the Odd Emperor with express thanks to ECETI I almost don’t give a flying flip about this stupid site, really! I almost ditched it and went on to the next one, then I saw the … Continue reading

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Michael Shermer (and others) weigh in on Larry King UFO show.

Michael Shermer on Larry King Live on UFOs I thought eSkeptic readers might appreciate some of the more amusing (and nasty) letters I have received (appended below), plus one very revealing letter about Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s UFO sighting … Continue reading

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Goucestershire Citizen 09:00 – 18 July 2007 If There’s something spooky in your museum – who are you going to call?Tewkesbury Museum turned to a group of ghostbusters who reckon there is a spirit lurking in the Barton Street building. … Continue reading


Racing Ponies

While bumming around the far reaches of the “Internets” I notice things, trends and patterns as they were, shapes of information defying description which help tailor my own posts (posts which shape and influence others thereby completing the cycle.) Some … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Hysterics! The Roswell Incident Turns 60

You may not have noticed (but only if you’ve been living in a hermetically sealed shipping container). This month is the sixtieth anniversary of what’s politely termed the Roswell incident. That incident unfolded like this. In July, 1947, New Mexico … Continue reading

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Richard Boylan’s Quick Test for Disinformation.

QUICK TEST FOR DISINFORMATION “It is the nature of disinformation to be a captious brew of both true and false statements, cleverly interwoven so that the average reader cannot tell which is which without further research. Quick Test for Disinformation … Continue reading

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At Roswell Festival, Doubt Is an Alien Concept

  By William Booth Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, July 8, 2007; Page A01 ROSWELL, N.M., July 7 — Attention, all aliens. Come on down. Because, seriously, this is your crowd. About 50,000 of your closest admirers are expected this … Continue reading

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Remember Roswell?

I suppose that I’m a stick in the mud, however this Roswell Festival thing makes me a little sick in the old hamburger pit. For those of you who (quite reasonably) don’t know what the Roswell thangs all about, here … Continue reading

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