Explanation of the Recent “Strange Craft” Sightings

Here is the breif introduction. I’m using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80’s. During my time there, I worked with a lot of the technology that is clearly at work in the recent drone/strange craft sightings, most notably the “language” and diagrams seen on the underside of each craft. What follows is a lengthy letter about who I am, what I know, and what these sightings are (probably) all about.

The appearance of these photos has convinced me to release at least some of the numerous photographs and photocopied documents I still possess some 20 years later that can explain a great deal about these sightings. On this site you will find some of these. They are available as high resolution scans that I am giving away free, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY AND ARE KEPT TOGETHER ALONG WITH THIS WRITTEN MATERIAL.

Or it could be a viral marketing ploy for the film “The Transformers”

Naa! No one would believe that!


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2 Responses to Explanation of the Recent “Strange Craft” Sightings

  1. Traveler says:

    Nice website found it by using my interdimensional Compaq keyboard drive. Ordinarily on any of my stops I would stop and relieve myself, and after sterilizing my tentacles on an ionic blowdryer snack on a few cows and humans in the vecinity. I would then gas up so to speak near one of your local telephone and power utilitiy poles. I’m surprised your local power companies have not made a concerted effort to find me. I am happy to see (I can all the way from infrared to ultraviolet) that you have all multiplied so splendidly, but just wish you would not consume so many chemicals. Its not good for us. really. I am flattered that some of you think I’m a God and that you want to commune with us. Imagine a group of bigmacs coming at you !That craft you have on display is not one of ours. Not one of us would ever get caught dead driving something like that that .And since we are the only ones in the vicinity, it must be one of yours. At least give us credit for designmanship and yourselves credit for some intelligence..triangles..thats yours (blimps actually) invisibility? surface planar led background emulators..but only good for about 1000 ft . Great for your little squabbles between each other. Now there’s a real mystery. why would your leaders want want to perpetuate war and use devices that don’t control us but do you? If you just researched it a little like at ufowatchdog.com and this you would know. But please ..You see one of these craft in just every household on your planet. Look up..see one going round and round? Do not look at it long or you will be disoriented as was the Chad fellow looking at his. And that fellow “Isaac x “, as you don’t have enough worries with muslims at the moment.
    Well, I have to slip out now, i hope you don’t mind if I bring a few friends with me next time.. when we do.. look at the light..go into the light..

    Believe only half what you see..and none of what you hear..

  2. In another space-time, “Traveler” may have written….

    Believe only half what you see..and none of what you hear..

    I don’t

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