“Real” UFOs: A New Meme?

R. Lee

I’ve been noticing the use of the phrase “real ufo” recently. It seems to mostly come from the skeptic milieu, which is surreally ironic, since they often don’t “believe” in ufos anyway, have strange ideas about the whole thing — as in UFOlogy being some sort of “church” — and are, overall, ignorant of the entire phenomena. Still they push on, rejecting a lot of theories and ideas out of hand, often insulting “believers,” with ad ad hominin comments and chiding us for spending time on the whole silly thing. All this framed by the idea that there are “real UFOs” which of course invokes the question: are there unreal UFOs?

This mangled perspective is bizarre, for sure, but not atypical in UFO or Fortean studies. (In fact, the whole idea that there is the need to promote the idea there are “real”UFOs, while charmingly frustrating, shouldn’t be surprising. It’s just one more dance from the Trickster that is an inherent part of UFOlogy, showing off.)

They can’t quite get there; not seeing the forest for the trees, and they push on. Already involved in pontificating on something spectacular, they at the same time ignore the spectacular. UFOs exist, they begrudgingly admit –er, real UFOs, that is — but it’s nonsense to seriously consider “ËœDaimonic Realities,”â„¢ or Trickster manifestations/presences, or even good old fashioned extraterrestrials.


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