July 6th – 8th, Trout Lake, WA
2007 ECETI Benefit Conference

Whoa! I should contact the Imperial Travel Agency and book a flight to Washington, right away!

On second thought, I’m sure I have something far more important to do that weekend, like rearrange my sock drawer!



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13 Responses to One of a Kind ECETI GATHERING

  1. Hey thanks Alfred! You’re a peach!

  2. …Given you’re the pits?! The pleasure was all mine!

  3. …Given you’re the pits? That’s the best you can do Al – me pal? it’s not up to y our usual …um high standards.

    So; what do you think of the ECETI conference? Are you rearranging your sock drawer too or are you (snicker…) going?

  4. Nonsense — Entirely apropos given your peach reference, inspired even. I’m not surprised you missed it. Pearls before swine once again? I suspect so. Tsk.
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  5. Hey Alfred;,

    As per your usual MO you have completely dodged the question. What do you think of Gilliland’s conference or do you not care about it? I think it’s a hoot myself.

    As for the other thing? Pearls before swine is an extremely apropos reference Alfred, once again and forever, eh? …..
    So; hows life your neck of the woods?

  6. You forget yourself. Your questions are only thinly masked and insentient sneers (as is your usual MO) and as such are beneath addressing in any manner, frankly, save being sneered at in turn. You would expect a lack of consistency in me even as you show no lack of consistency? Tsk!

  7. The abject hypocrite, calling me inconstant. Nope Alfred; you know that doesn’t scan.

    You are here are you not? You are addressing it are you not? What? Are you a coward Alfred? Are you afraid of engaging me? Everyone thinks so–you wade in, behave like a barbarian leaving tracks on my floor, dodging any reasonable question with a lame excuse and you expect me not to sneer?

    Alfred; it’s not me that is beneath addressing, it’s yourself, by anyone who is serious in Ufology. You have nothing to contribute or you would not be here trying to insult me…. and failing even that!

    Quite extraordinary Alfred, you may go now. 😉

  8. Mr. Pettingill! Apart from being unable to qualify my hypocrisy, you prattler’s piss-wit of hammered bat-squeeze, pointing out that you “show no lack of consistency” is an observation that you are not “inconstant” at all… but the very soul of same! Though, consistently errant, consistently shallow, consistently moronic and consistently foolish. What other errors have you, consistently, made?

    Apparently? Already showing an inability to proofread? You can’t read either! Now that’s nothing short of extraordinary! Tsk.

  9. Hah, My mistake Mr L, you are quite correct.

    Now I’ve just done something you are incapable of. One of many I suspect Mr. Troll. We can sit here and insult each other for the rest of the week, but I really have better things to do with my time than argue with some guy who thinks aliens are going to cure his hemorrhoids. I have a sock drawer to rearrange and I suspect you have some butt scratching to do.

    Anyway, thank you for the compliment Alfred. I like to think that I am consistent in the way I treat people. Folks with double standards and people who condemn others for their beliefs irritate me.

    Don’t you agree Alfred?

  10. That’s Mr. Lehmberg, Mr. Pettingill… add not knowing a complement from a disrespecting back-handed slap to the list of things you get wrong, too. And this:

    “…people who condemn others for their beliefs irritate me…”

    …Really!? ROFL! That’s the soul of irony, “don’t you agree”, Mr. Pettingill?

  11. Oh spare me that Mr. Pettingill crap Alfred, unless you would like to discuss why you think I’m Mr. Pettingill. I would be very interested in hearing exactly who your source is. Not that you are able to tell the truth about it. Shall I Mr Troll? I would be overjoyed to.

    As for irony Mr. Troll, who have I ever condemned for their beliefs? Could you (for once) give an example? Or is that outside your ken as well?

  12. Alfred as per usual, can’t think of one.

    Thanks! Your silence is all I desired and everything I needed!

    Point, set , match!

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