James… James! When will you ever learn!

This is priceless! A few weeks ago, my buddy James Gilliland for some strange reason, decided to send a couple of rude emails, which I mindfully posted along with some rebuttal. James in a brilliant move of skill, communications and understanding abruptly broke off the conversation with

Being that you have absolutely nothing to contribute to assisting humanity and the earth lets just hit the block sender button hmmmmmmmm there it is poof your gone

Well I’m sure James meant “poof *you’re* gone. Mhahhaa I’ve always felt if one is to successfully insult someone it’ s a really good idea to get the contractions right.

Well James me-buddy is not finished yet! He wrote a very funny rebuttal to my rebuttal. Did he mail this to me so that I could see it and respond? Did carrier pigeons flutter into the sun-drenched Imperial Atrium with these words attached to their legs? Did he seal it into a bottle? Sky writing?

Oh no funseekers! He very bravely posted it on his ECETI news (which I sort of umm, subscribe to.)

So spake James …

In Google Blogs under Aliens Ate My Buick there is one of the most open displays of ignorance and disinformation I have ever seen. It is written by armchair investigators with a little bit of knowledge in science just enough to pump their egos up as experts. He goes by the Odd Emperor.

I love the way James constructs a paragraph. It’s so…so wacky sounding! However; it’s a bit difficult to understand this. I guess when James says “He goes by the Odd Emperor.” he means “goes by the name of the Odd Emperor?”

That kind of…um changes everything!

Oh the humanity!

James continues;

Despite the fact that 400 people along with 12
Internationally known speakers most with PHDs visited the ECETI Ranch last August at the Science Spirit and World Transformation Conference and witnessed the UFOs these people profess there are no crediblemwitnesses.

That’s funny, I’ve never said that! Not even once and I’m sure that the good author of Aliens Ate My Buick never said it either. I have said on many occasions and maintain that there is little or no evidence that UFOs are spacecraft. I have also stated that I don’t care what a person’s education level is, if you try to tell me that a person with a PhD cannot be wrong I’m going to laugh at you.

In fact I just did.

After top aerospace enginners went on Art Bell and
testified not once butt wice with two different groups this genious continues to rant there are no ufos? With over 4,000 witnesses, Air Force Base commanders, pilots, air traffic controllers on record we decided not to catalog the sightings and make the ranch available to anyone who wants to have their own experience. It is not a place to
entertain the egos of skeptics but for those who are serious about research and want to have their own experience.

Funny thing is. Were there the kind of evidence that James is claiming than there should be more than enough evidence to convince even the most die-hard skeptic. What? Are you a coward James? Or are you sick of people who really know about stuff in the sky telling you those galactic cruisers you are seeing are satellites?

If attacking the character and credibility of people far superior in knowlege and credentials they went further to attack Aquarius Water saying there is no plant at the ranch and the water has no oxygen in it.

Hmm, I wonder who did that? It’s not on my blog, nor on the Odd Empire web page. I’ve never attacked your character James, simply your words.

James (in a blatant attack of character) continues.

Maybe the plant is not at the ranch due to imbeciles like these and the lack of funding?

Ah HA! So there really is no mystic mineral water plant at James’s ranch, and it’s all because of little ol’ me? Wow, I must be one powerful SOB!

Those who make it their job to spread disinformation and
tear down others who are truly working on behalf of humanity and the earth. Independent labs have proven the water is highly oxygenated, oxygen is the highest systemic antibiotic you can get which is why I dedicated 6 years of my life without a pay check to help get it out.

Highly oxygenated oxygen? Heh! Jame, why don’t you read this, this, this and perhaps this before blathering at me about your silly ideas. The truth is, this sounds like the sales pitch of some obscure mineral water company. Which it actually is.

There are over 7 kinds of oxygen which most biophysicists are aware and some can only be measured by exotic instruments. The proof comes with an oximeter which tests the blood oxygen which jumps dramatically after drinking the water. The body PH also rises. Cancer cells are anaerobic and need an acidic medium to live. Raising the
body PH and oxygenating the blood creates miracles and yes I am into miracles especially well documented ones.

And apparently he’s into fantasy science.

The Odd Emperor Has No Clothes, no facts nothing but mis and disinformation to share totally void of any scientific or first hand knowledge.

Whoa! That’s original!

This not only establishes his character and motive, it also establishes the value of his opinion. Will he post this on his site? Of course not it is filed with facts and truth. Feel free to cut and paste then post on his blog. Google it Aliens Ate My Buick. It is almost comical.

It’s far more than “almost comical,” my dear James! It’s a laugh-riot!

OMG! PLEASE POST JAMES! In fact I invite anyone who supports this James character to post their opinion here!! I always welcome a second take on stuff unlike James who wants to “poof” his detractors out of existence.

Good stuff James! Keep it coming!

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