Crazy looking UFO making the rounds.

This thing doesn’t look remotely airworthy to me. It’s most likely a funky looking model or CGI creation. There is also some discussion in various places of where these photos are originating. No one seems sure which of course just screams hoax.

This write-up and photo from“Chad” is courtesy — Coast to Coast.

Last month (April 2007), my wife and I were on a walk when we noticed a very large, very strange “craft” in the sky. My wife took a picture with her cell phone camera (first photo below). A few days later a friend (and neighbor) lent me his camera and came with me to take photos of this “craft”. We found it and took a number of very clear photos. Picture #4 is taken from right below this thing and I must give my friend credit as I was not brave enough to get close enough to take this picture myself!

The craft is almost completely silent and moves very smoothly. It usually moves slowly until it decides to take off. Then it moves VERY quickly and is out of sight in the blink of an eye. MORE THAN ANYTHING I simply want to understand what this is and why it is here?

We found your show with Google and I have listened for a few nights now. I have decided that if anyone can help me understand what this thing is, it is you and your audience. I must admit I am deeply unsettled by this thing. I have never seen anything like this in my life… Location: I would prefer not to say for now.



[[and here ]]

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