Another Day at the War.

Lord Rick of the Paranormal and Ghost Society made a stunning request today on his paranormal and Ghost Society MySpace page.

Lord Rick says;

I am giving out free lifetime memberships to our site at PGS for those who have information on the individuals responsible for libeling, stalking, harrassing and crimes against our community.

Ye gods! I wish the Omnipotent Mangod would learn how to spell harassing.

Community? Crimes against our community? What does Lord Rick think he’s talking about? 1000 bots and two or three posters on a MySpace page is not exactly a community.

Those in private who are willing to provide me with home addresses to these people, phone numbers, records, websites they run, personal photos, place of employment, etc I want as much information as you can give me.

I am a really a lame-o investigator and cyberstalker so please do my homework for me and I will show you a crapload of photographs with smoke on them. Help Lord Rick cyberstalk people pleeeeze!”

I will verify that information so it better be accurate. Dont tell me something I already know!!

Well sure thing Man God Rick, we must ALL be psychics like you!

I already have Odds business, home address and phone numbers.

“I already have Odd’s (note the possessive apostrophe dumb-ass,) business address, and phone numbers. I have already cyberstalked the publishers of the Empire of the Odd webpage.”

Hey thanks Lord Rick! I already know that but it is nice of you to make yet another public declaration.

I will be looking for the rest!!

“Lord Rick will be cyberstalking YOU NEXT!”

Also for those experienced in The Matrix get in touch with me. I will give a free lifetime membership to those that produce me these things and if you run a website I will put a banner either up in our sponsors page or our main page which we get about 8 to 10 million hits a year meaning your going to get hits also.

I have no earthly idea what this is supposed to mean. Experienced in The Matrix? As in the 1999 Wachowski brother’s flick? Does he think that movie was about real events? (holy crap!)

The other part is pretty hilarious. He doesn’t even get a fraction of 10 million hits on his web page.

According to data the Omnipotent Mangod Rick put out himself, he only gets a few hundred visitors a day on a good week. A hit count registers individual requests not visitors. A web page with a gazillion crazy java applications and scripts will register far more hits than a page that was constructed properly. It can be ten to one or even a hundred to one. (What that means Omnipotent Mangod Rick is that if you get 1000 hits you might have only gotten 10 visitors. That’s if your page is an incompetent mass of Frontpage 4.0 crap with tons and TONS of useless java scripts, including one that copies stuff from a visitor’s clipboard. We know that a world-class psychic like yourself HAS NO REASON to spy on visitors.

To sum up; Omnipotent Mangod’s web page gets an average number of visitors for a badly Google- bombed piece of crap ghost buster page. Around 100 to 200 per day according to his logs. (Remember boys and girls, this is information Rick put out himself.”)

As a matter of fact your trend has flattened out or is actually dropping. The reason it’s dropping is simple……

Advertising is something that is priceless so let me help you help me!!! Contact me privately I expect alot of replies and will be answering them throughtout the day thank you for your time. I look forward to our fellowship!
Lord Rick

“Please validate Lord Rick’s opinion that cyberstalking (an illegal act) is OK and he will reward you. If he can get other people to stalk those who think Lord Rick a boob than (somehow) Lord Rick will feel empowered to do more cyberstalking.”

PS If you need names of the people I want this information on I can tell you but some of you already know the names involved. Some of you also have some information I need so any you can give is very much appreciated as in return I can give you some as well.

“Lord Rick is creating a cyberstalking network out of his Paranormal and Ghost Society, one person at a time!”

Signed; Lord Rick.


In all seriousness;

To say this is a bad idea is an understatement. Lord Rick has clearly crossed a line here. By inciting others to commit illegal activity he has violated several tenets of the free Internet services that he has been using. He’s also advocating said criminal activity. The word advocating for all of you at the Paranormal and Ghost Society means the same as promoting…. liking it so much that he wants you to do it too!.

Acording to

When prosecuted, many stalkers have unsuccessfully attempted to justify their behavior based on their use of public forums, as opposed to direct contact. Once they get a reaction from the victim, they will typically attempt to track or follow the victim’s internet activity. Classic cyberstalking behavior includes the tracing of the victim’s IP address in an attempt to verify their home or place of employment. [1]

There is no doubt that Lord Rick has done these things to others and now he intends to widen his abuse to his supposed thousands of members. I will be very surprised if more than a handful of people respond to this plea. It’s like shouting to passersby “hey! See that Liquor store over there? Help me knock it off and I’ll give you a lollipop!”

think it would be a very good idea for Lord Rick to pull that statement off of his MySpace account as quickly as he can. Being a buffoon is OK (and I’m all in favor of it.) Inciting people to commit illegal activities is a little like talking about your illegal drug use in a public forum. It’s unbelievably stupid — almost beyond what we expect from Lord Rick.

Stay tuned fun-seekers! More fun and frolic with the Omnipatant Mangod Lord Rick and our happy minions at the Paranormal and Ghost Society to come.

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