War news! Direct from the Front!

Today marks a dark day indeed for forces of the Odd Empire which came under devastating demonic attack by forces under the control of Man-god Lord Rick.

His August Majesty, Man-god Lord Rick, sitting astride his trusty Thoat “Raptus Regaliter” and wielding the sword-of-mighty-psychic-power “Perite” did smite the Odd Empire with an assortment of demonic entities (too numerous to mention.)

His many minions from all over the Realms-Internet have risen to this holy cause and even now they gather to plan many nefarious embarrassments and hideous taunts which will drive his foes like the drooling animals that they are!

The Mullet Messiah himself spoke about today’s skirmish.

I think karma alone is the best thing in some form or another I feel very bad for what this guy (the Odd Emperor) has done to other groups not just mine but to the fact that people like him think its okay to demean others. That is what seperates humans from animals is all about how you treat others if you go around libeling others one day its gonna bite you in the ass. I think people sometimes are just so scared of the paranormal they are ignorant to learning about it so rather they pick at those who are involved with it.

Shortly there after the Mangod ironically said this.

I bet he (The Odd Emperor) doesnt even know how to use a sword. The question I have is what is a guy his age hanging out with underage kids? Hell that UER group and ODD group consist of a bunch of older people hanging out with underage kids. One of there members Ophiliaism I heard had sex with over 40 underage kids on the board and she is older then me so let them have there circle jerk it does not surprise me.

Hmm, dosen’t know how to use a sword Man Mullet Rick? This angers me! I admit that I’m not in the habit of waving wall-hangers around while standing on a roof with my shirt off, that’s just idiotic!

Several of Rick’s minions (pictured above) had a few words to say about today’s skirmish.

One minion said;

“They are jealous and just trying to start stuff, because basically their life sucks. They have no interest in promoting paranormal, their lack of experience and knowledge is obvious on the site because they spend their time bad mouthing others. That just makes them look insecure and incompetent.”



JAMisON (that name is not a typo.) said.

“Im going to have fun terrorizing these douche bags! These are the type of people who so scared of thinking outside the box they attack whatever they cant comprehend. Im going inside the box and will attck relentlessly.”

To which I replied;

I’m terrified!
Please tell ALL of us how it goes will you?

JAMisON said.

“Hahah i got some hate mail from that emperor dude! Theres a real shit storm going now lol! Hahaha emperor=hotsauce ! Its funny when 45 year old men act like high school kids on myspace.”

To which I replied;

It’s really funny when a 34 year old man writes like a fourth grader.

To which JAMisON replied

Its funny how i can go to your little group of cencorship and facism and get bant so quickly hahaha. You could at least take your 45 year old candy ass to the “Big Group” and make a feeble attempt to son me there old man. But you catch feelings and email me? Obviously ive got under your skin somehow eh? I didnt bother reading your last 2 mails sorry but i dont have to time to read about your obsession with a man with a green mullet. Youre creepin me out . Seek help gramps. Now stop stalking me homo Capish?

And then he posted on Mangod Rick’s Paranormal and Ghost Society MySpace.

That Emperor wont stop emailing me, aparrently i hurt his feelings or touched a nerve. Its funny how upset people get when you expose thier true agenda. This guy aparenly is in love with lord rick and is having a hard time coming to terms with it. Otherwise hed laugh it all off and forget about it. In reality if he was to run his mouth in the same way he does over myspace id beat him into a pool of blood and urine.

Another post on the PGS MySpace, by the curiously named “Home Made Demons” said;

Good that you are sticking with karma, but if you want to cause some evil look a speel that is right for you and cast it. ( Don’t do death spells). Anyways the spirit realms and other realms are affected by there knowleders so they will gight t

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