Odd Empire Update! 15-10, Encyclopedia Dramatica

15-10 Encyclopedia Dramatica, Submitted by the Odd Emperor.

Do you find truth offensive? Do you shy away from anything correct, normal, and sane? Or would you rather just incite anarchy and chaos across the web, net, and world?
— HRWiki Guy 10:12, 27 Jun 2005 (UTC) Welcome to Encyclopedia Dramatica!

Once upon a time, there was Wikipedia; billed as the “the biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet.” It took the “retch” out of research and has managed to confuse people all over the globe.

The thing about Wikipedia though, it’s not very funny. ( also not really a good place to do research but that’s another topic.) Being full of allegedly factual information placed their by allegedly factual people, Wikipedia is said to be one of the largest repositories information anywhere.

What’s all this have to do with the Encyclopedia Dramatica? Not much really. Encyclopedia Dramatica (or ED) is not about facts, or alleged facts or allegedly factual people or even factual people allegedly expounding facts to other allegedly factual people. ED is not about any of that crap!

It’s about the Lutz! (Lol -> lul; lols -> luls; lolz -> lulz.)

For example, this entry has the lutz;. (the following is reproduced lovingly word-for-word from ED without permission)

Wiccaa” (witch)

Witch is a euphemism for ‘Extremely Flammable Woman’.

(1) Modern ‘witches’ are insane attention whoring 16 year old girls and very easy to annoy. Anybody wishing to pursue a career in trolling should find a witch community. Warning! Do not forget they are all psychic and can perform curses!

(2) Witches usually live with their lesbian aunts and a talking black cat, and love to freak the mundanes with their majicks and telekinesis on a regular basis. Note that true witches do not require wands to perform their tricks, unlike the media wants you to believe. A genuine witch does it all with her finger.

(3) Witches are also responsible for Wiccapedia.

When I followed the link to for “trolling” I got this.


(2) A person that throws around the troll insult to: anyone who defeats them in an argument, anyone points out facts the real troll doesn’t want people to know, or someone the real troll picks at random to stick falsely with a troll label for sheer lulz. This second type of troll is 98.9999999% of all trolls now and is often called an Anti-troll.

Hmmm, never met one of those!

Well; you get the idea. The good people at ED think that the”internets” are (is) devolving into pure lutz really – really  soon! they are offering their good services to hasten this process (which some people are sure has already begun.)

I could not agree more!

Inducted November 8, 2006

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3 Responses to Odd Empire Update! 15-10, Encyclopedia Dramatica

  1. RDB says:

    It’s the Information Age equivalent of Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary, which, BTW, is online:


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