Faked photos prove that crappy pics can fool people!


Check this page out! There are more stupid picture tricks here than a photo-bucket full of porn monkeys! Dust in the peanut flash, water on the lens, fingers on the lens, dirt and other crap on the lens. Junk hurled into the air, time exposures of Bic lighters, blurry birds and even out of focus bats…..

All are proof that we are surrounded by anonymous happenings that only the camera lens and a discerning paranormal expert can ferret out.

Or, someone thinks the world is full of rubes (they be right of course—arrrg!)


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3 Responses to Faked photos prove that crappy pics can fool people!

  1. Tim Printy says:

    This is too funny. I also thought the BLT was supposed to be doing “serious” research. I guess when you WANT to believe, you WILL believe anything.

  2. Unbeliever! Of course they are doing serious reserch! The kind of lettuce used is vitally important!

    Umm… On the other hand…. perhaps they are doing “cereal” research?

    …sorry! I had to do that!

  3. RDB says:

    I never took them very seriously. Besides the fact that they pursue a matter that appears to be pretty well closed, as far as I have ascertained, now that they have blatantly joined ranks with the Alan Caviness/Mary Sutherland mindset, my original position seems fairly justified (woos).

    Think about it. An org that would adopt the acronym BLT, instead of coming up with a better one, has to have some dorks onboard.

    Of course, BLTs require bread, and crop circle researchers are “cereologists.” Maybe they were hoping to evoke the connection. I know this seems to be a stretch, but then so are most of the hair-brained explanations for crop circles – especially when they tend towards the spiritual/metaphysical.

    How bacon and romaine lettuce (the only kind for a BLT, imho) might figure in is anyone’s guess. Unless the bacon comes from a flying pig, and the head of Romaine is actually a pod-person (I once heard about a guy who named a head of iceberg “Ralph” and made it his God. Or perhaps it was just representative of his God, in which case he could replace it periodically, rather than ending up praying to a mass of reeking gelatinous scum).

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