Horn into Gilliland

...as posted on James Gilliland's ECETI mailing list...

Michael Horn, Billy Meier Exclusive Spokesman

In regard to this nonsense from the delusional Gilliland, it's time
that this be said clearly. Gilliland has absolutely NO firsthand
knowledge of Meier, nor does he have anything to substantiate his
assertions. Neither can he actually refer to, let alone comprehend
the voluminous, NON-contradictory information contained in the
24,000+ pages of the information, single-handedly typed out by Meier
over the past 32 years.

"Another Michael Assumption"

The Meier material is so clearly beyond the comprehension of these
New Age wannabes that they are best left to stir in their little
cultic mindset and play out their roles, unwittingly or not, as
guinea pigs for military psy-ops.

"Ah feel the love and peronal slander when logic fails and the mirror
shines brightly."

It obviously escapes their small intellectual capacity to understand
that advanced beings from light years from earth have absolutely NO
need to play hide and seek with a flock of hippies who love to run
after lights in the sky. If Gilliland and his friends want to think
that ETS are "contacting" them, they're entitled to their delusion.
All they have to do to straighten out people like me, who are more
than slightly spoiled by the wealth of tangible evidence and
information in the Meier case, is to start putting something
substantial on the table...the incoherent ramblings of people who are
themselves being misled, while they mislead others, doesn't qualify.

"Don't you just feel the love followed by slander and more
assumptions that hide and seek is all others are doing followed by if
he knew what I knew, I have the elete info."


James Gilliland response: 

Actually I studied the Meier Material when Michael Horn was just a
pup, know Wendle Stevens and Randolf Winters very well as well as
Brit Elders most of which are baffled by the exclusivity and efforts
to discredit all other contactees. I have read each one of his
contact notes watched his videos which is why I have asked the
questions about the many contradictions which are avoided in every
case. Michael Horn the exclusive franchise holder for the US of the
Billy Meier story can only resort to the past evidence yet cannot
address the ongoing attacks and slanderous statements made by such
enlightened souls as they profess to be. Try to get an answer from
him and he will twist it back to the past evidence followed by a
flurry of arrogant slanderous comments. 

Billy's claim as being the only advanced master prophet on the earth
and the only contactee is LAUGHABLE at least sad and delusional at
best. There are many very advanced teachers, healers and elders not
to mention the gifted childen coming in that embarrase me at times
with their wisdom and connection to spirit. Their attempts to
centralize all the information and discredit everyone else is again
cultish and falls into I am the way, the only way and lets arrogantly
raise our egos above all others dismissing all other evidence
concerning other contacts and sightings. Evidence which is
irrefutable to any reasonable mind. This of course having not a
reasonable mind leaves them out of knowing the truth for every
investigator and researcher that has asked them these questions is
met with attack and slander as well as total refusal to look at the
evidence follwed by claims there is no evidence. It is starting to
sound like Seth Shoestack with SETI.  This would be more accurate to
say nothing will ever be enough to change my mind that we are the way
the only way and contactees as the Meier camp professes, not even
their own videos and books. 

"The ego separates, is exclusive and inflates while at the same time
trying to deflate others, the spirit unifies, is supportive and is
all inclusive."

The eclusivity, attacks and slander as well as the lack of base logic
and congruency according to my spidy senses that something went wrong
with this group. 

 Just like according to Billy all the crop circles were hoaxed, the
sightings and contacts are all military black projects other than
Meier's of course, even though many of the contacts especially with
Native Americans and other indigenous people predate any black
projects. The contacts in Mexico, Peru, around the world are fully
documented as ours yet there is a total disregard to investigate or
even look at the evidence as in all cult mentalities and blind
followers. The Yakama Elders speak of extremely advanced beings with
ships that are great healers some of which are in contact to this day
along with many Elders and chiefs from other Nations and their Star
Nation Prophecies. 

The delusion is clearly in their camp and I do not see myself joining
soon, giving a portion of my income to the one true contactee, the
one true prophet chosen by, "SPIRIT FORM" knowing how ridiculous this
sounds to any awakened person with a bit of logic and self esteem.

 With all the dimensions involved in the awakening and healing of
Humanity and Earth possesing craft that Billy and his contacts do not
even know of as well as the fact that Billy in his own books state
there are thousands of off world visitors coming to earth and at
least 7,500 contacts by his group alone it fails all logic and reason
to say there is only one group and he is the only contactee. I fail
to see any logic or benefit in his claims other than self
agrandizement and profit?  I have never dimisssed his prior evidence
In fact I was once one of his greatest fans and supporters until all
the exclusivity and attacks began. In fact we asked Billy to look
into the contacts happening here which are well documented with a
long history only to be met with attacks and slanderous remarks. I
have addressed their recent behavior and motives which they continue
to express as in the letter above. 

If they want to make a buck and act like the contacts are still
happening which according to Billy's video and his notes stopped in
the late 70's due to him turning over in his mind and the group
consciousness not being able to maintain a frequency, the videos and
books Michael seems to not have seen or read and demand a percentage
of people incomes that is their karma. It is a discredit to the ufo
community however to continue with the sharade and unbecomming of an
elightened master, the one true prophet of God and his spokesman with
the US franchise too continue to act in a way that is totally
contradictory and a complete paradox.
PS what do we do with the Boeing Engineers, Physicists, Skunkworks
scientists that come to the ranch and have their own experience with
craft that come right on time due to telepathic communication as they
did last night arriving at 8:59 and 49 seconds for a film crew when I
told them they would buzz us at 9:00. What do we do with their
testimonies on Coast to Coast with 15 million listeners knowing what
we have back enginnered and saying these are not ours? What do we do
with the ships coming in every size shape and color, dropping in from
other dimensions? How do we disqualify all the evidence so as to keep
it all within the Meier box? By the way what does a franchise cost to
be the only authorized spokesman and how can I franchise out my
story? Can I have a clause in the contract to get people to attack
compete and slander all other researchers? The Meier story went from
there are no UFOs at the ranch in the beginning to there are UFOs and
they are all military after the evidence proved otherwise.  Just as
all crop circles are hoaxed then some are made by lessor evolved ETs.
Are Arcturians lessor evolved than your Plejarins with factions that
supported Hitler in the past again according to the contact notes and
your Coast to Coast interview? By the way as far as cults we dont
have a following, do not demand a percentage of income from people to
join and the news letter is about all you can join and it is free.
People that come here are not followers just interested people in
getting to the truth. Could the pot possibly be calling the kettle

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3 Responses to Horn into Gilliland

  1. RDB says:

    This is sickening. The pot calling the kettle black in both directions. Un-fucking-believable.

  2. RDB says:

    In regard to this nonsense from the delusional Gilliland, it’s time that this be said clearly.

    All I can say to this is that if Horn isn’t delusional, then he’s a gold-digging shyster. Gotta be one or the other.

    The Meier material is so clearly beyond the comprehension of these New Age wannabes

    Did Michael Horn just accuse someone of being a New Age wannabe? I can’t even dignify that with a comment.

    All they have to do to straighten out people like me, who are more than slightly spoiled by the wealth of tangible evidence and information in the Meier case

    Somebody bitch-slap this fool silly, please.

    I can’t go on. None of this is worth the bile it brings up. I’d rather suck wax fruit.

    So….final comment: You remember that old rhyme about the gingham dog and the calico cat, and how it ended up? That would be nice.

  3. Michael Horn is simply trying to protect his business, as is James Gilliland. If ever there was a new-age wannabe it’s Gilliland but I have to dignify him with this bit of praise. At least he’s not into the kind of exclusivity that Horn expounds.

    Horn set’s himself up as Billie’s US herald, Billie Myers who of course is parsed as the second coming. Gilliland thinks he is the second coming, even going so far as to say that Myers needs to stop bogarting the space brothers and let him have a piece of the action.

    What’s really funny is Gilliland’s has recently tried to set me straight with some really oddball sounding emails. When I refused to flame him back he did one of those “OK, all I have to do is push a button and (poof) you are gone!”

    What a maroon!

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