A mysterious aerial device falls in Somalia.

By: Mohamed Amiin.
Mogadishu 26, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network

A mysterious device looking like a satellite or UFO has landed and spotted near buulo burde town in south Somalia.

Villagers report that the device fell five days ago in area which lies forty kilo meters north of Buulo burde town.

The device is occupying in an area of one hundred Meters Square as villagers who spotted this device confirmed to Shabelle Radio.

“In the evening of last Wednesday, a large device flew over our head and moments later, we heard a large sound, BAM! said Ilyas Ali, a villager who lives nearby where this large device has fallen.

Ilyas spoke of the device, telling that in the daylight it glitters and in a nighttime, it turns lights and speaks a strange language which ca’t be understood by the villagers.

The impact of the unidentified device has killed a camel which was grazing nearby.

Because of the remote area it fell, news of the device is emerging gradually now despite its fall of five days ago.

Shabelle Media Network Somalia
E-mail us: info@shabelle.net

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One Response to A mysterious aerial device falls in Somalia.

  1. anonymichael says:

    Yeah, I sent an email to the author of the article that your quote on the “Somalia device” came from. Never got a reply, let alone an explanation. The website involved is somewhat suspect, also: bunches of articles published on a single date, followed by nothing for long, indeterminate periods. I think this article was the result of a “journalist” fabricating an article about a non-existent event for the resultant, short-term buzz. Also known as a “lie”.

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