Throw memes into a, pot-stir biskly!

From India Daily (where else?)

What happens after death – the extraterrestrial connection from the Hyperspace
India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 28, 2007

It is an intriguing question that has made every one think for ever! There is no direct answer to it because no one for sure knows what really happens. There are all kinds of doubts against the NDE (Near Death Experiences).

Modern science for the first time is getting a chance to bring all the data back to computer simulation to understand what really happens after death. Who are we? Where do we come from and where do we go to after death? What is life? What influences everything that happens around life?

Computers have assembled all the data that is available. It is trying to logical inference from the NDE effects, the reincarnation data (results of thousands of interviews), quantum physics, the extraterrestrial influence on ancient civilizations, the physics of higher dimensions, the natural phenomenon of the universe, the dark matter question, the black hole singularity, the concepts of tachyons and imaginary mass and much more.

What we are going to describe below is the most probable scenario. Till terrestrial technologies can break into higher dimensions in a massive particle collider in future, there is no way to prove the same. In 1916, Bose and Einstein mathematically proved that a perfect fluid of zero viscosity is possible when temperature is close to absolute zero – the temperature outside this physical universe in Hyperspace. The theory was finally experimentally confirmed in laboratory setting in 1998. Bose Eistein condensate – the fluid gives the first signal what really existed just around the time of big bang. So whatever you think is fictional, can be true. Ignorance and over confidence are the biggest reasons for the lack of understanding anything that is not obvious.

Hyperspace is what contains the endless numbers of Universe. It is at absolute zero temperature (-273 degree Celsius). The quantum mechanics and physics are still valid there. The Hyperspace has many more dimensions than our physical universe. It creates universes like bubbles in the ocean that float for a while and then disappears. A chilled universe below it that forms the platform holds the Hyperspace. The Hyperspace has connection to out physical universes through black hole singularities. Hyperspace is not immortal. Everything above the chilled universe is in cycle of birth, tenure of life and eventual death. That includes life, Hyperspaces, Universes, Galaxies, Constellations, Stars and Planets and everything within the universes.

...[[[more jabber]]]

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6 Responses to Throw memes into a, pot-stir biskly!

  1. R. D. Brock says:

    HYPERSPATIAL CURRY ( From the kitchen of Shiva Manischewitz)

    Get a spacious universe and heat over zero-point energy (Sterno-brand recycled zero-point energy is fine, if that’s all you’ve got). Add black holes, dark matter, stars, planets and galaxies, and 10 quadrillion grams of Madras curry. Wash constellations well, and remove all the lines and labels with a sharp parsec knife. Add them to the universe along with some chopped leek. Allow mixture to cook for 20 billion years.

    Remove universe from zero-point energy, and allow to cool for several aeons.

    PERFECT FLUID SAUCE (From the kitchen of Brahma Higgins)

    Prepare a basic universe. Add Crescent brand perfect fluid mix while universe is cooling, stirring space-time curvature occassionally until mixture is smooth and zero-viscosity. Be sure to pick out any warp bubbles that may be remaining, and if an entity (such as Beverly Crusher) should be trapped inside a bubble, flush it down your black hole, and don’t mention it to any of your guests. Add a dash Worcestishire sauce to finish.

    FOUR DIMENSIONAL GRILLED LAMB CHOPS WITH TACHYON CHUTNEY (Handed down to Vishnu Smith from his grandmother).

    Soak four dimensional lamb chops in brine for an aeon, or two. After removing from brine, pat dry, and season one side liberally with top-quarks, the other side with bottom quarks. Grill over newborn type A Star, turning occassionally, until lamb is seared in three dimensions, but rare in the fourth. Serve with Major Gray’s Tachyon chutney.


    Scoop universe curry onto a hyper-dimensional projection platter covered with Romaine lettuce leaves, and pour perfect fluid over curry. Arrange four dimensional grilled lamb cutlets around universe curry, and garnish with parsley or cilantro. Season to taste with tachyons or Mrs. Quark’s Fundamental Particle Blend.

    Serve very cold. Serves an infinite number of lesser Gods, or several fat Gods.

  2. Allen says:

    During the past 30 years, near-death experiences have been the focus of many scientific studies at universities and medical centers throughout the U.S. and around the world. You can read about them on the website of the International Association for Near-Death Studies at In particular, you might want to check under the Research tab for published papers outlining new findings from the most current research, particularly the two written by Dr. Peter Fenwick and Dr. Pim Van Lommel. Many medical professionals who have seriously studied the research – and it is extensive – no longer dismiss this phenomenon as hallucinations or pharmacologically induced.

    I recently attended a 4 day conference on NDEs at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston that reviewed in detail 30 years of research on NDEs. DVDs of the presentations can be ordered on the website above.

  3. R. D. Brock says:

    >Many medical professionals who have seriously studied the research – and it is extensive – no longer dismiss this >phenomenon as hallucinations or pharmacologically induced.

    I don’t think it is the near death experiences or the concept of an afterlife that the Emperor finds humorous, but that the author of the article he links to has taken a vast hodgepodge of scientific terminology and “bleeding edge” concepts from theoretical physics, strung them all together without elucidation of the individual concepts, and therefore without any connecting chain of logic, and used this as a rationale that the afterlife is possible. Statements like:

    “Life is nothing but ZPE. When we die, we instantaneously transform into the realm of higher dimensions.”

    ‘When these ZPE that form part of the overall consciousness attain the required energy level through demonstration of detachment from material attraction, compassion and love, they can move into the chilled universe.”

    That the author of the article is “full of it” is further demonstrated by his usage of “constellations” as a generic component of “the universes” (“…that includes life, Hyperspaces, Universes, Galaxies, Constellations, Stars and Planets and everything within the universes…”), when in fact, a constellation is simply a pattern of stars in our night sky that we have grouped together in bunches, originally for religious and mythologic reasons, and later as a means to divide our night sky up into manageable chunks for study. The “patterns” of stars in our skys are merely a mental artifact of the human mind, when it views random 3 dimensional arrangements of stars set against the two-dimensional backdrop of the night sky. They are not “things” in the sense that stars, planets, galaxies, etc., are.

    >Many medical professionals who have seriously studied the research – and it is extensive – no longer dismiss this >phenomenon as hallucinations or pharmacologically induced.

    So, the afterlife is a fact? Is that what you’re saying? Or are you simply saying that the guy who wrote the drivel the Emperor linked to is “right on?” What’s your point?

  4. My point (were I to make one) would be something like….

    “Do you really think linking ANYTHING to an India Daily article strengthens an argument for something else?”

    Although having read a couple of the articles at… I suppose it can’t hurt!

  5. Jurgen says:

    Look, if it wasn’t for the India Daily newspaper, we here in the west would not have known about those terrible monkeyman attacks from a few years ago.

  6. Look, if it wasn’t for the India Daily newspaper, we here in the west would not have known about those terrible monkeyman attacks from a few years ago.

    ..I can’t argue with that! 😉

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