Dances with Loons

The head loon over at the PGS

This is (more or less) an open letter to the denizens to the Paranormal and Ghost Society. You folks have had your fun, made a bunch of smacktalk and threats. That’s cool guys really! What I’ve had to say about your little bunch has not been particularly pleasant. You people appear to be a pack of yahoos who enjoy skulking around private property at night. So what? You got a problem with that? Take it up with the complaint department or better yet, stop being yahoos!

What I object to is this outrageous talk about the Odd Emperor libeling you. No one’s libeled you! If you really think so than you probably don’t understand what the word means. (after reading all the crazy-half witted legal crap on your web page I have little doubt of that!)

In publishing, it’s very important to understand which side one is on. To liable someone, one would have assert something with malicious intent which is also untrue. It’s certainly possible to accidentally liable someone, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

For the record, I have not and I am not libeling your group or anyone else–I’m criticizing your group! Not quite the same thing at all. Just like when your fearful leader criticizes his local police department, the public library system, the local TV news company or some non-profit historical group that he knows nothing about. The ONLY difference is that I’m criticizing you and you people can’t seem to figure out how to deal with it. It’s not liable, it’s not going to harm you in any way, I’m not placing a hex on you, blighting your crops, hurting your business, stealing your cattle or corrupting your children.

I’m just rendering an opinion.

Some of you over at PGS can’t handle an opinion which is not praising or validating your little group in some way. Your moderator (E.G.”Lord Rick”) is so afraid of criticism that he responds to it by screaming like a little girl.

You know what? That’s tough-titty people. You want to be so restrictive that no differing opinion waifs into your little sandbox? You want to shout UNFAIR! – Leper-outcast-unclean when someone comes along and says “hey! You people are behaving like a bunch of unwashed goober-heads?”

I can’t speak for others but the reason I say that is because, that’s what you look like. The Paranormal and Ghost Society appears to be an entity that doesn’t exist outside Internet and Lord Ricks imagination. Your founder runs all over the place in his pickup truck, trespassing on private property, drinking beer and toking up. To me, that’s unbecoming behavior for almost anyone above the age of 19, that has been my experience and that is  my opinion. Live with it, stop worrying about it.

I strongly suspect that I’m not alone in that opinion.

To “Rick”, your illustrious founder I don’t have much more to say, except this.

Dude; you need to start thinking about the important things in life. Not ghosts and goblins, that crap’s always been around and it pretty much takes care of itself. I’m talking about you Rich and the things you hold dear.

When I see photos of you smoking your crack pipe, waving weapons around, sneaking into places you don’t belong, I roll my eyes and think that you look like a complete jerk. I don’t condone illegal drug use, but to tell you the truth, I also do not give a hot damn if you do drugs or not.

However, I think it’s really stupid to brag about it on a public forum.

Now, why is any of this my business Rich? Because you made it my business, You made it my business by putting photos of you and your buds lighting up pipes in public places. You made it my business and the business of 100 or so people who stopped by your web page today.

You know Rick, I sent you some questions a week or so ago, some of them were silly, perhaps even, disrespectful. I’m sorry about that but, it’s difficult for me to be respectful to someone who is so full of himself, so convinced that he’s doing something that anyone gives a flying flip about.

Rick, anyone can skulk around private property at night, anyone can smoke dope and anyone can throw a good party, anyone can take photos of closed cemeteries and write stories about them.

The question I didn’t send you, the one I should have sent you would be something like this. “Rich; when will you think about growing up? For own sake, For your family’s sake? (BTW, that’s not a threat against you or your family so put your hackles down! Chill out dude!)

Speaking of threats, you write;

“Who knows maybe Ill just knock on his door wonder what he would do then see its all about principal he messaged me at first being all buddy buddy when his heart was full of darkness and bad intent its almost like premeditated murder its wrong. I don’t care ill call the guy 4am after I smoke a bowl lol what is he going to do kick my ass I highly doubt it. People like that don’t need to be taken to court they need to get served justice that is the only way anything gets done nowadays.”

I’d be real careful on that score bud. I think “that guy” might mind very MUCH if you call him at 4AM. You can call him before 11 PM, as a matter of fact I believe he’s interested in speaking with you.

Showing up on his doorstep to serve justice? Rick, I don’t wonder what he would see, A drugged-out loser with delusions of grandeur. You can come by Rick but not unannounced. If you call ahead, he might even have a cold one–waiting for you. (A beer Rick, not some other thing)

You Rick are not an officer of justice and if you show up drunk and/or stoned, the real officers of justice will be dealing with you – but I suspect you already know that. Sure hope you do! The paperwork’s a bitch!

That’s really all I have to say to you “Rick” take care and farewell, we will meet again only if you do something silly.

To the members of the Paranormal and Ghost Society? You can stop by the Odd Empire any time you like. Your fearful leader doesn’t extend that offer to people he dislikes. That’s only one of a multitude of differences between us. I’m opened minded and can take a little criticism. Rick is not open minded and he’s evidentially pretty thin-skinned, so are most people over at the PGS, apparently.

BTW, you-all are welcome to comment if you like.

Share and Enjoy!

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15 Responses to Dances with Loons

  1. jurgen says:

    Mr. Pettingill, It would be fun to read if they sued you.

  2. I don’t know if Mr. Pettingill would write something about that, but I would.

    What you think of as a fun read would be anything but, for all parties. For you even. For if such a venture were successful it would serve to pound yet another nail into the coffin of free speech. Your free speech, mine and Lord Ricks.

    You and Rick think of a lawsuit as another form of harassment, to silence criticism. If it failed? It would prove that the opinions I submit here at the Odd Empire are FACTS!

    Are you people willing to risk that?

  3. R. D. Brock says:

    Mr. Pettingill, It would be fun to read if they sued you.

    Frivolous paranormal suits have a way of blowing up in the face of the “aggrieved.” As in the case of Sean David Morton, who was ordered to pay $16,000 in attorney’s fees to the ufowatchdog (Royce J. Myers III).

    You and Rick think of a lawsuit as another form of harassment, to silence criticism.

    It have observed among those so-assailed, that shallow and superficial thinking tends to spill over into all areas of one’s life.


  4. Well… in Rick’s case he’s more scared of someone suing him. Rick’s been to civil court several times unless I miss my guess. Still, he has this strange idea that rules and regulations strictly apply to other people while not really applying to him. Case in point, he ran into problems with some forum where he solicited donations for his ghost society. They laughed at him, he flamed the group several times and some of them flamed Rick’s guest book. After screaming about how unfair it all was, Rick set up a free web page bashing the forum owner. Rick never tried to figure out some common ground, he just attacked. It’s shallow thinking an many fronts!

    Jurgen on the other hand, dreams of the Odd Empire getting yanked off the air and the publishers disgraced. What he doesn’t understand is how badly that would blow up in his face. I would love to have an excuse to devote 100% of my time on this…..right now I think it’s about 1-2%. And with a couple of percent I get so many people riled up….


  5. Jurgen says:

    Well it cut my question — You’re on the air? Where can I tune in?

  6. Jurgen says:

    Say, R.D. Brock about ” Royce J. Meyers III” you’ve brought up —Does he or did he work as a janitor while acting like an authority and all on ufoology and its subsets? I’ve heard it from both sides of the isle – the skeptoids and the ufools, whenever his ‘outings’ didn’t serve their purposes.

  7. Jurgen says:

    Reagan Lee should sue you too.

  8. So “Jurgen,” in answer to your first question;

    None of your business!

    While I cannot speak for R.D. Brock I can say that it’s kind of irrelevant what Meyers does professionally. Just like I feel it’s irrelevant what you do professionally, what kind of car you drive, how much your house is worth (assuming you live in a house,) or even, what side you part your hair on! There are no PHDs in Ufology, there are no “experts.” There are only those who contribute, and those who pretend to contribute by telling lies. Since Ufology has pretty much devolved into a lier’s club I can tell you which side holds supremacy.

    Reagan Lee should sue you too.

    Well that’s interesting! How about we make a little public bet here, you and I. I bet that you cannot find a single reason for her to sue me which could stand up in court. It’s my challenge, name your stakes — coward! Or shut the hell up about this suing business!

  9. Jurgen says:

    Mr. Pettingill, This blog entry is about supposed lawsuit threats against you. For me to “shut the hell up about this suing business” goes against your blog entry. You brought the subject up to begin with.

    I think R. Lee may have grounds to sue you because you’ve inserted her name and her blogs and excerpts of personal email – which you attribute to her- on your various pages and side bars.

    And about Meyers, you know that Randienablers and Skeptiloons always bring up the profession and educational background of a “bleever”. It’s part of their M.O. Should it be different for a quasi-skeptic like Meyers who awards pretentious diss awards on his website, while he might be working on his GED and picking up used condoms at the local community college mens room as part of his janitorial job?

  10. Mr. Pettingill, This blog entry is about supposed lawsuit threats against you. For me to “shut the hell up about this suing business” goes against your blog entry. You brought the subject up to begin with.

    Mr. Pettingill doesn’t feel like answering something so outrageously stupid,

    ‘but I will.

    Jurg! Don’t tell me what I can or cannot say on my own weblog–you pompous fool! I didn’t bring Ms Regan Lee into this thing, you did. I was discussing Lord Rick and his bad behavior, were you not listening? Oh yes, it was you who brought up this lawsuit thing too wasn’t it?

    I think R. Lee may have grounds to sue you because you’ve inserted her name and her blogs and excerpts of personal email – which you attribute to her- on your various pages and side bars.

    Oh really! You think that attributing some rude crap that Regan Lee sends me is grounds for a civil suit? Heh! You darn tooten it is! Regan could sue me for whatever she likes if she wants. She could sue me for my eye color! It would be really difficult to win such a thing. It would be just as hard for her to win a case over the grounds that you suggest. Remember, I’m not asserting anything about Regan Lee, just that in my opinion that the person who sent that rude verbiage and Regan Lee are one and the same. I have evidence to back it up. Regan has stated over and over again that no one can tell with certainly who anyone is on the Internet (which is laughably untrue.)

    Regan has never really protested this, why are you? She could contact me whenever she likes, if she’s reasonably polite about it I might even take that crap down if it bothers her. So far she’s only threatened me – thusly.

    And about Meyers, you know that Randienablers and Skeptiloons always bring up the profession and educational background of a bleever. Its part of their M.O. Should it be different for a quasi-skeptic like Meyers who awards pretentious diss awards on his website, while he might be working on his GED and picking up used condoms at the local community college mens room as part of his janitorial job?

    Pretty tough talk pilgrim! I know of no such thing. Say! I MUST not be a Randienablers or a Skeptiloon, I don’t bring up personal details like that. I just throw rude stuff back into a rude person’s face (They hate that.)

    But you like to bring up personal details dont you? What does that make you ? A Skeptaloon or just a hypocrite (which is a real word too!) You realize that if Mr. Meyers graduated from high School he would now have grounds for a civil case…against you! I wouldn’t roll those dice Jugen! He’s got experience with that sort of crap, who was it that he trounced in civil court? Hmmm I think his name was Sean David Morton– yes that was it!

    You really dont have an argument and you dont have a case yet do you?

    You going to take that bet or are you really a coward?

  11. Jurgen says:

    Emperor Petingill, I made some possible points for a “bet” which was your idea. And you missed that I’m careful to use the word “might”. I also would never take personal emails and post any or all of them on a website-blog-forum (the way you do with R.Lee and A. Lehmberg). You publically swoon over people you approve of and the others you categorize into your subsets with offensively childish titles and excerpts of their personal emails, blogs ect.

    Lord Rick thinks you may be libeling him you state in your initial post. Maybe you are.

    I went to their site and was extremely bored. There are too many advertizements and the topics of ghosts generally bore me. But, I wouldn’t want to encounter a ghostie or a poltergeist. I know there is enough anecdotal evidence that these denizens of paranormal demondom exist on some level of the edges of our reality.

    You’ve brought up your eye color now. Please tell me what it is?

  12. Emperor Petingill, I made some possible points for a “bet” which was your idea. And you missed that I’m careful to use the word “might”. I also would never take personal emails and post any or all of them on a website-blog-forum (the way you do with R.Lee and A. Lehmberg). You publically swoon over people you approve of and the others you categorize into your subsets with offensively childish titles and excerpts of their personal emails, blogs ect.

    Um, no you didn’t. You brought up the fact that I prominently mention Regan Lee in a couple of places here at the Odd Empire. E.G.

    I think R. Lee may have grounds to sue you because you’ve inserted her name and her blogs and excerpts of personal email – which you attribute to her- on your various pages and side bars.

    What I asked you to do is relate where I’m libeling someone. Mentioning Ms. Lee on my weblog is not liable– at least not in the way I see it. I’m not asserting much of anything about her am I? Other than I dissagree with her assertions that I’m psychotic, that I’m a stalker, that all skeptics are bad, that science is inherently evil and that Kid Rock should be stoned (OK, I lied about the last one–he might be, most of the time.)

    You publically swoon over people you approve of and the others you categorize into your subsets with offensively childish titles and excerpts of their personal emails, blogs ect.

    I do…I swoon? Whom do I swoon over? Please do tell!

    And the other thing, categorize into subsets? Wha….? Oh the web pages! You must mean my odd rating system of Odd Empire web page! Ahhm…..I’m not categorizing people there, just something they might have written. Again, not libel — not in the way I understand it. E.G. (

    Lord Rick thinks you may be libeling him you state in your initial post. Maybe you are.

    I’m pretty sure that I’m not. “Lord Rick” thinks that anyone saying “boo” to him is liable, anyone who criticizes his little Yahoo kingdom is evil and should be “served justice.” Of course Lord Rick also thinks that he’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I think Sarah Michelle Gellar looks far better in a tank-top, but what do I know?

    I went to their site and was extremely bored. There are too many advertizements and the topics of ghosts generally bore me. But, I wouldn’t want to encounter a ghostie or a poltergeist. I know there is enough anecdotal evidence that these denizens of paranormal demondom exist on some level of the edges of our reality.

    Heh! That’s funny! I think ghosts and all that kind of stuff is fascinating. But please, allow me to correct you on one point. Anecdotal *data* is not evidence. You cannot make something true by getting a large number of people to tell stories about what they believe. I know quite a number of people who tell me with utter certainty that they have a personal relationship with Jesus. That cannot by itself bring Jesus into existence can it? If so we would also have to contend with Mohammed and a whole slew of Hindu deities.

    Pettingill made Emperor? When did that happen? No one told me!

    Thanks Jurgen for some very good questions. 😉

  13. Jurgen says:

    Oh yes, Kid Rock should be stoned, for two main reasons: He left behind performing his hard mix of rock-rap and went into sappy country music. At about that time he stated he was a Republican and supported George W. Bush.
    I’ll bring along a shitload of sharp stones for him.

  14. Heha! You know far more about him than I, he’s in a band right?

  15. oddemperor says:

    Looking back on this exchange many years later. It’s almost certain that “Jurgen” was actually Reagan Lee using a throw away email.

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