Monthly Archives: January 2007

Throw memes into a, pot-stir biskly!

From India Daily (where else?) What happens after death – the extraterrestrial connection from the Hyperspace India Daily Technology Team Jan. 28, 2007 It is an intriguing question that has made every one think for ever! There is no direct … Continue reading


Dances with Loons

This is (more or less) an open letter to the denizens to the Paranormal and Ghost Society. You folks have had your fun, made a bunch of smacktalk and threats. That’s cool guys really! What I’ve had to say about … Continue reading

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Jacques Vallee, Critical Thinking, and Intelligent UFOlogy

This is yet another preface to our upcoming series on UFOlogy—the first was our UFOlogy Library.  In the past month, I’ve received many emails from people who would rather see Brainsturbator move in a different direction.  Some of these messages … Continue reading


Air Force colonel reports lights ‘not of this world’

By way of UFO Updates; Snaps images above Arkansas: ‘I have no idea what they were’ Posted: January 17, 2007 6:37 p.m. Eastern By Joe Kovacs © 2007 In the wake of reports of unidentified objects flying over Chicago’s … Continue reading

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Strange visitors from another planet and scary weather forecasts

The Standard (Macclenny, FL) Truth According to Hoyle By Hoyle Dempsey Usually when we hear about UFO sightings the eye witnesses are good old boys in the swamps of Mississippi or Louisiana. These events usually occur at least three hours … Continue reading


Robert Anton Wilson 1932-2007

Author, philosopher, free thinker! “As you go boldly into the night, there is but one candle to light your way, and you carry it always with you. “ His weblog

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Internet needs less Saddam and Britney, more UFOs

By Burt Constable Daily Herald Editorial Columnist Posted Thursday, January 11, 2007 Saddam Hussein can’t drop dead without a cell phone camera recording his demise and a post-mortem sequel for distribution on the Internet. Britney Spears can’t totter through one … Continue reading

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Being in touch with the realm of the dead can lead a beautiful girl to be a haunted, unhappy medium

By MIKE STROBEL May I speak to Saddam, please? “Pardon me?” The medium frowns. Saddam Hussein. Lion of Babylon. Beast of Baghdad, bereft of life. Despot, deceased. Big, bad, bloke on a rope. Must be one helluva spirit. [[[MORE]]] 

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Stealth planets around Vega in Lyra constellation may be housing the nearest type II advanced extraterrestrial civilization

India Daily Technology Team Jan. 7, 2007 They can travel with gravitational radiation. They can speed up to three hundred times the speed of light. They are the main sources of ‘local’ advanced extraterrestrial UFOs. They use electromagnetic flux when … Continue reading


Scientist: NASA found life on Mars — and killed it

Theory:Mars microbes drowned, baked by acciden Research focuses on Viking space probes of 1970s Other scientists say theory is plausible WASHINGTON (AP) — Two NASA space probes that visited Mars 30 years ago may have found alien microbes on the … Continue reading

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