Move over Beckjord! Lord Rick is in da house!


I stumbled over this just the other day and I simply cannot keep it to myself!

I guess Rick.. ahem”Lord Rick” is a little pissed off.

No, he’s very PO’ed. In fact, Lord Rick in a one hour and forty-some minute address to his (allegedly) many fans and enemies relates the following facts;

  • Lord Rick is a man of peace.
  • Being a ghost buster takes a pile of money, almost a few hundred a month!
  • It’s a business.
  • Lord Rick doesn’t make any money at it.
  • He doesn’t hide.
  • He’s done over “six hunnerd” investigations.
  • All those other ghost busting web pages are lame.
  • Lord Rick doesn’t like being called a fake.
  • Ghost busting is a dangerous business.
  • Crack pipes are legal in the State of Florida
  • That stuff in my pipe? NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!!
  • Lord Rick deserves”re-con-nition.”
  • Like Christ, Lord Rick is being persecuted.
  • Don’t steal Lord Ricks photos.
  • He’s OK with the opinions of others.
  • Go to a list of web forums, harass the members there, contact their hosting services to get the forums shut down.
  • Lord Rick doesn’t believe in hatred.
  • Lord Rick always carries weapons.
  • Lord Rick is a man of peace,.not war.
  • Lord Rick will subdue you–it will not be a pretty sight.
  • Lord Rick can shoot and kill you without consequences, Florida State law says so.
  • Lord Rick doesn’t want any trouble.

Holy cattle-mutes Batman!

Truly; I do not know what the heck brought on all this nonsense. “Lord Rick” seems to be some thirty-something bloke who runs a very strange web page called Paranormal and Ghost Society . I reviewed his page on the Odd Empire site some time ago, #14-5. He’s got some amusing stuff, long rants about how people have betrayed him, how subscribers to his Yahoo forum won’t send him money (he provides the PayPal link and everything!) How his girlfriends, wives or whatever dumped him. Long, semi-coherent threats of legal action if you happen to be a cop or a government official and you just look at his web page. Other clueless crap.

He’s nominally running something known as an urban exploration club. He and his buddies run around graveyards and abandoned buildings late at night for kicks. Nothing wrong with that I guess. I myself did similar stuff.when I was in high school!

These days, Urban Exploration is a big thing, still among the high school set and apparently with Rick Too. He’s gotten into a turf war with a Canadian forum which according to Lord Rick, has posted photos of his kids from his “adventures” although as of this writing I haven’t seen evidence of it. They’ve libeled him? ditto, I haven’t seen where. In fact, I have not seen any postings by or about Lord Rick anywhere in that forum.

Now, it’s possible that I’m just missing it. It’s a large forum inhabited by children for the most part (or so it seems.) I would believe that “Lord Rick” whose a “renowned” [SIC] parapsychologist” made a bunch of lame-o posts there, got flamed and the rest is as we say is–hilarity.

On the one hand, I don’t have a personal beef with Lord Rick, he seems like a fun-loving goob. someone who likes skulking around abandoned places looking for ghosts or Skunk Ape, perhaps a good lay. Nothing wrong with that. (Unless it’s WITH skunk ape….yuck!)

I actually don’ believe it’s anyone’s business what or who he smokes in his pipe either. If he wants to toke up or smoke crack? Big deal! Just don’t drive, operate heavy machinery for up to one month after and don’t try to hold a job (Rick has no problem on THAT score.)
Those clowns over at Looks like a couple of them flamed him on his guestbook, left some pretty graphic photos behind. Good work goons! Pooping on someone’s rug shows that you have class…

like a monkey.

Especially when you do it to someone who can’t even figure out how to clean up the mess. That shows breeding – sophistication, I’m not sure what species, Aepyceros melampus perhaps.

I think should do a little house cleaning. I mean, I have no problem giving someone an honest assessment of their web page or whatever but really! There are limits. (I like to think so anyway.)

But, for god’s sake people! Turn off the crappy music and pull those pics down…….Damn!

Here’s Lord Ricks audio rants, if you care to listen to them. I honestly had a good chuckle and learned WAY more than I wanted about him.

Rick’s Rant number one, about 13 MB.

Rick’s Rant number two, about 5 MB.

Say Rick! You pay $150.00 a month for a web page that shoves advertising? Incredible! I can make you a MUCH better deal! Turnkey system, domain name included for just $100 a month! … er that’s one hunnerd a month.
Share and, enjoy!

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5 Responses to Move over Beckjord! Lord Rick is in da house!

  1. R.D. Brock says:

    I had a look at Rick’s Paranormal and Ghost Society. Hideous. Now the word “garish” must be redefined…

    Sometime, when we both have some free time, you and I ought to put together a really cool, cluttered, ultra-garish UFO/Paranormal page, as a parody. It could be called something like “Joe Dumfhart’s Parnormal Page.” Large, pointless moving gifs scattered around, hundreds of java-snippets from free java sites – cursor effects, world clocks, blah blah, on and on. Garish animated backgrounds, kill the color wheel dead, dead, dead, myriad mispellings and grammatical errors, and, best of all…wordy disclaimers and “warning statements” that shout to the world, “I am an abject shameless dork…”

    Just an idea.


  2. Dude! I think someone already beat us to it!

  3. I don’t want to belabor the point (despite the fact that I’m about to.) I peeked at the Urban Exploration Resource Forum a little closer and found Lord Rick’s profile, he’s been banned (probably a good thing.) You can read all his posts on that board here

  4. Lord Awesome says:

    Just a note, so everyone can see why lord rick got his guestbook spammed.
    After he came to a board where no one charges money. He made the generous offer to charge people 20$ a person to take them somewhere they allready know about.
    When he didnt like peoples opinion of him, lord rick made and posted this site about the guy who runs uer.

    after lord rick passed that out to his members, people started to spam him.
    judge for youselfs if he deserved the spamming.
    Lord Awesome

  5. Interesting;

    Let me make one thing clear, I do not condone spamming, harassment or threat of any kind. I don’t threaten people, I render my opinion about them. If they don’t like my opinion? They are invited to contact me, publicly or privately and see about making amends if necessary. I respond in kind to all polite inquiries.

    I saw Rick’s harassment page some time ago. It is not too surprising really. Rick seems to have a different opinion on how to deal with criticism. He spewing a lot of hate right now. He’s already made several threats, and a whole slew of dumbass statements.

    I can understand why people at UEO got bent out of shape, but there’s really no excuse for the kind of stuff members of that board laid on this Rick fellow. He’s just this guy you know? Trying to feed a family on the meager salary of a paranormal investigator! How would you feel if you had to feed a family on the meager earnings of a world renowned paranormal investigator? One who Christ is persecuted!

    I’d bet you would feel pretty bad! >-)

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