For what it’s worth department.

The Odd Emperor’s 17 rules of criticism.

1. Put some real praise in there, damming someone with faint praise doesn’t cut it.
2. Don’t let him have it with both barrels right on the get-go. Point out a couple of little things and see how they react.
3. Never be rude first.
4. Try not to be rude at all.
5. It needs some humor.
6. And some understanding.
7. Criticize the words, not the person.
8. Never name-call
9. Or threaten.
10. Don’t libel
11. Be specific.
12. Don’t just trash people and run, when they respond, answer them!
13. Cite sources.
14. Be careful about trashing relatives or given names—actually, just don’t do it!
15. WHEN you are criticized back, (and you certainly will be,) don’t worry your little head too much. Most people won’t follow your rules, why should they? You will be lambasted, hounded, threatened, harassed, and perhaps even litigated. It’s all part of the game mon! None of thease things will be effective BECAUSE they don’t follow the rules.
16. Always remember, you don’t want to destroy your quarry, you want to change them! (And have a good laugh.)
and finally;

17. They don’t have to like you!

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