A serious opportunity for the serious UFologest!


Thanks to RD Brock over at Aliens Ate My Buick….

From: keya.mason
Date: Nov 27, 2006 3:24 PM
Subject: Important please read! Great opportunity from ABC television! Looking for people who believe in UFO’s, paranormal, etc
To: (You know who you are!)

I am the Casting Producer for ABC Televisions hit show, Wife Swap. I am looking for a family who believes very heavily or is simply obsessed with finding out about UFO’s, Area 51, conspiracy theories, secret military projects, alien abductions, ET’s, paranormal, etc. to feature on the show! I thought it couldn’t hurt to reach out to you to see if you were interested in this opportunity or if you knew any families that might be interested. I apologize if you have received this email in error or if we have contacted you in the past!

In case you are unfamiliar with the show, the premise of Wife Swap is to take two different families and have the mom’s switch place to experience how another family lives. Half of the week, mom lives the life of the family she is staying with. Then she introduces a “rule change” where she implements rules and activities that her family has. It’s a positive experience for people to not only learn but teach about other families and other ways of life.

Wife Swap airs on Disney owned ABC television on Mondays at 8 pm- the family hour! There is another show that copies ours. We focus on having fun, learning and teaching. They focus on conflict. I just want to make sure our show doesn’t get confused with theirs!

Requirements: Each family should consist of two parents and at least one child between 7 and 17 and should reside in the continental U.S. (There may be other children living in the home who are older or younger than the required age…as long as one child is in the required age range.)

If you and your family meet the requirements as stated above and are interested in this opportunity, please contact me right away! If not, perhaps you know a family that meets the requirements and might want to apply! I also ask that you forward this on to the members of your organization or groups you are involved in so that if they are interested, they may contact me as well! This is a very unique experience that can be life changing for everyone. In addition, each family that tapes an episode of Wife Swap receives a $20,000 honorarium. I know your time is money as well so if you refer a family that appears on our program you will get $1000 as a ‘thank you’ from us.

I know this is an unusual request but I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, please call me at the number below. Please let me know if you may be able to help me. Thank you for your time.
Keya Mason| Casting Associate Producer | ABC Television | Wife Swap
RDF USA| 440 9th Avenue | 11th Floor| New York | NY 10001
tel. + 1 212 404 1422 | fax. + 1 212 404 1423

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