Life in the Stars

Whether the existence of extraterrestrials is an irrefutable fact or just a compelling theory, the media would do well to start telling the story
November / December 2006 Issue UTNE Reader

Given that the mainstream scientific community can’t even agree if the poor orbiting mass called Pluto is a planet, it may seem a strange time to ask people to consider whether or not extraterrestrial life has visited our troubled planet-especially since the mere mention of unidentified flying objects conjures stereotypes, reinforced in the media, that undermine credibility.

It’s hard to imagine, however, that even the most hardened of cynics wouldn’t be compelled by information published on the subject over the past 10 years. Sometimes raising as many unsettling questions as it answers, this serious research not only deserves notice, it demands consideration. The problem is that, no matter what mainstream science reporters are covering -from stories on nasa to promises of space tourism-they routinely ignore the subject altogether.

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